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"Just this way and, we're here!"
"And what exactly is this?"
Newt said as he stared at what appeared to be a load of sticks piled on top of on another and held weakly together be some ropes.
"It's my bedroom."
Alby said proudly.
"Well I hate to burst your bubble, but, that looks nothing like a bedroom to me."
"Yeah, I know but Greenie, have you ever tried living out here with no one to help you, cause it's much harder than it looks."
Alby glared at Newt.
"Jeez man calm the shuck down! What I was going to say was; maybe we could build a, I dunno, Homested together?"
"Good idea Greenie, your cleverer than you look, that's probably why you're called Newt -Newton."
"Slim it Alby!"
"Okay man what does 'shuck' and 'slim it' mean?"
"Well, shuck means hell, and slim it means shut up, I literally just made those phases up though."
"Well, I like them, how about they become glader slang?"
"Why not?"
Newt said, he grinned happily.
"Ya know what Newt, I think we'll get on just fine me and you. Who knows?"

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