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Newt woke with a start. It was still pitch black and stars were sprinkled across the sky. The Glade was eerily quiet and weird glow surrounded the place where Alby was sleeping. Newt stood up silently and walked over, keeping to the shadows so that Alby wouldn't see him.

Alby was sitting on a wooden ledge with his top off. His back was a mangled mess of skin crawling with scars and his eyes were glistening with, tears?
A loud scream came from the maze. Alby didn't even flinch, Newt, however swore, colourfully.
Alby turned and looked at him.
"They're Greivers. Vicious  creatures of metal and flesh, the creators made them. Another piece in there game they are, As are we."
"Are they what did that to you?"
"Yeah, like said, we're just another piece in their game, toys to play with."
"Well, Alby, if it's a game, surely there's a solution? And honestly I think it's out there."
Newt said pointing at the walls.
"If you wanna go out there, I'm not going to stop you but, no one survives a night in the maze."
"I went out there once Newt. Just once and this,"
Alby said gesturing at his back,"
"Is what happened."
"Alby, I didn't know, I'm sorry, but, I didn't hear them in the day. Do they come out then?"
"No, I mean I don't know but I'm not risking going back out there. Sorry Newt."
"How did you come across one?"
"It was night time and I was walking out there and suddenly was above me."
"So you didn't like hear it or anything?"
"Nope, they are as silent as death."
"How can live hear when they,"
Newt pointed to the maze,
"Live out there?!"
"The best of us can find happiness in misery."
"Wow Alby, you really are tough."
"I'm not I have just lived with them for so long I know better than to not mess with them, Newt, tomorrow I wanna build some more stuff. Get some sleep, if you can."
"Right, and Alby, we're in this together, it's not just you anymore. We're gonna get out too. Together."
"Thanks Newt. Thanks."
Newt nodded and walked off. Alby stared after him, he was a great boy. He had done nothing to deserve being here. He didn't understand. The words he said echoed round his head; the best of us can find happiness in misery, what had he meant, he didn't know... all he thought when he went to bed was who would come up next and, would they be like Newt.

OMFG FOB!!!!!! if u got it I love you!
Sorry I know this update is terrible but TEWT is coming soon and I promise lots of flail screaming will happen!
Love you all! Keep reading! it means the world!
❤️❤️❤️TaraandJayen ❤️❤️❤️

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