Good That

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As Newt dismantled the pathetic excuse of a house, Alby walked over to the box Newt had arrived in.
"Hey, Newt!"
"Help me take the supplies out of the box!"
"Yes you shank! Supplies! There're sent up once a week in the box."
"Will the box go down if your in it?"
"Nah, tried that."
"Oh right. What's in the box?"
"Uh, wood, clothes, a saucepan and, a...sheep?
"A sheep!?"
"Yeah, a sheep."
"Well, that's great I guess."
"Common, you gonna help or not?"
"So is shucking Christmas!"
"I'm here, clam down."
"Good! Get the ropes from over there."
Alby pointed towards the he pile of logs that was his house. Newt ran over and grabbed the pile of rope. He picked I up and jogged back over to Alby.
"Wow those ropes are heavy man!"
"I know. Sorry!"
Newt said, panting hard, he passed them to Alby.
"Thanks. Now get in the box and pass that crap up."
Newt jumped down into the box and started the to haul the supplies up to Alby, who neatly lined them up side by side. Finally, when the job was done, Alby dropped a rope down into the box and helped Newt out.
"All done!"
"Good that!"
Newt said with sweat running down his face.
"You look knackered, and hungry. Let's go get something me food before you pass out."
"Thanks Alby!"
"No problem kiddo."
"Please don't ever call me that again."
Alby said innocently
"Kiddo. Never call me 'kiddo' again."
"No chance, kiddo!"
"Hey! Come here Alby!"
Newt growled
"CATCH ME!!!!!!!!"
With that Alby ran off, with Newt in hot pursuit.

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