43 - Timothy

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  I love my sister dearly, but why the hell did she have to make me an uncle? Well her birthday's coming up so I guess I now know what I can get her for her birthday as a joke. "Timothy you're not planning anything cruel for Talia's birthday are you?" Abby scolded "No darling, I'm thinking of getting her a paci" I smirked "Tim you can't get her a paci for her birthday" she gasped "It's just a joke present honey. I'll get her a more serious present as well" I sighed "Okay so long as you promise to buy her a serious present" Abby warned. "I promise you, she's my baby sister so of course I'll buy her a serious present. She's 25 this year so I'll find something" I promised "You better" Abby huffed.  

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