Still My Heart~A Cato Hadley love story <3

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Okay, be very first story on Wattpad. I'm excited, scared, nervous, and a little weary as to how its gonna go....but Ill try and update almost every day. :)

"New girl!" Yep, I'm the new girl, and apparently, I'm already famous. All I did was enroll and prove my strength to the head of the academy in a death battle....I am not that special. I turned to face the boy who had called to me, he was handsome...attractive even. He's tall with piercing blue eyes that cut like knives, and short sort of spiked blonde hair. He's really attractive actually. I know exactly who this boy is, its Cato Hadley, he's the star career here.

"Aromis right? You took down Carter to be entered into the academy...." he was smirking down at me. I would not let him intimidate me like he dose everyone else at the academy...if anything, I'll defeat him in a training session. I will be the star career, that's why I'm be the best.

"Yeah.....that's why I'm here, to be the best." I explained with a smirk right back up at him.

"Hum....just don't expect to take me down so easily beautiful, but we don't have to worry about death fights, you've earned your title. StarFire...." With that he walked away leaving me gaping.

I shook my head, that was him trying to get to me. Don't brake Aromis....don't!

I kept telling myself this, and I would not give up the fight. If Cato thinks fighting Carter was easy, he's dead wrong!

"Catch me if you can shorty!" Carter yelled as he ran around the small arena laughing. I was devising a plan as I waited for him to circle around and gloat.

"Aw, come on Aromis....." he teased, he was about an inch from my face. I grabbed hold of him and jerked his head into a rock that was conveniently there.

"Tease me again huh?" I quickly flipped a good few feet from him.

"You little bitch!" He yelled, his head was bleeding. He came toward me and I quickly dodged, watching the sweat drip from me as I flipped over him. I was not dying today! I grabbed the sword laying on the ground, and he had one too. We battled it out until finally I delivered a deathly blow to his chest. I then pulled my sword from him and cut his head off, blood covering me.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the new career!" The head of Allure announced, I bowed to him and he gave me an approving smile.

I shook my head, I hadn't even realized I had walked into my dorm. I looked around the living quarters, it was huge...bigger then I imagined. Now, all I have to do is fine my partner and tell him how things are gonna go. I walked into the kitchen, it was fairly nice and huge. I then found my room and smiled, it was a pretty good size too. Light blue walls met my eyes and a big bed with grey blankets reminded me of home. I was actually pretty happy with the way things went so far today, except Cato....that was a no go. He thinks he's so much better, that walks all over me. I promise to prove myself to this boy during training tomorrow. All I'll have to do is convince my partner that he and I can be better then Cato, ColdBlood. Yep, everyone here has a title, and Cato's is ColdBlood, and apparently mine is StarFire. I just hope my partner has a nice intimidating status like Cato's.

I noticed a bathroom on the other side of the room and decided one quick shower couldn't hurt.

When my shower was over, I decided it wasn't that I'd watch a movie and hopefully find my male counterpart for training. I walked out into the living room and noticed a tall blonde on the couch. As I inched closer though, I realized.....this blonde, was Cato....

Still My Heart~A Cato Hadley love story &lt;3Where stories live. Discover now