Chapter 12

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"So that's the plan? We are gonna split up and find these guys?" Alex asked looking up at Leo. Maxine had decided to stay back and would wait at the apartment for Alex and Leo to return. The two had decided to each take a pistol, just in case.

"Yeah dog. We gotta make sure these fools ain't dead." Leo said. Leo started walking towards the door and Alex walked right behind him.

"I was thinking about it... Wouldn't it just be easier to take out the two guys leading this thing?" Alex asked.

"You mean Tank and Rory?" Leo asked. The two were walking down the hall now, heading towards two cars Leo was able to get.

"Yeah those two. We get rid of them and we are good." Alex said.

"Then we got the rest of the Ballas on our backs." Leo said. "I'd rather have two guys to worry about instead of near a hundred."

"What if you took over as leader after?" Alex asked. Leo stopped in his steps and raised an eyebrow. He turned back and looked at Alex who was smiling nervously. Leo's mouth was hanging open as he stared at Alex.

"Why the fuck would I do that?" Leo asked.

"I mean you know the gang. I thought you'd want that. To lead your old gang." Alex said.

"Man fuck that shit. I was never about the gang life, gangbangin' and sellin' dope. That's not my shit. I was forced into it. My childhood friend was Jesse man. Me and him were inseparable. That nigga was always doin' stupid shit, and my ass had to go and save his ass." Leo said. Alex still seemed to be confused so Leo kept talking.

"You see he got into some bad shit. That bad shit was becoming friends with member of the Ballas. Next thing you know he's walking around with a gun strapped to his waist, ready to fire at any nigga." Leo said.

"So you went into the gang to save him?" Alex asked.

"I thought it would work, it usually did. But I couldn't help him, and I couldn't get out. Once you are in a gang, it's with you for life." Leo said. "Do you know how happy I was when Tank kicked me out nigga?"

"I got out though." Alex said. "I was apart of that life too you know."

"Yeah I heard you was a bitch who did anything for anyone." Leo said. Alex's face became serious causing Leo to chuckle. The two stopped standing there and walked outside to where two black Bravado Gauntlets were waiting. Alex and Leo entered separate ones and Alex instantly saw a radio sitting in the passenger seat. He picked it up and pressed on the side.

"A radio? Really?" Alex asked.

"Stop bitching and go after the person you said you would. Radio in if you got a problem." Leo said from the other end. Alex watched as his car pulled away from the curb and sped off. Alex then started the car and soon pulled away as well, heading for his destination.

"And for the record, I was no bitch. I just did work for both gang's that's all. Whatever paid my bills." Alex said.

* * *

"This the bitch Tank said we need to get?" CK asked as he sat in the drivers seat. Lil Mikey sat in the passenger seat next to him with his mouth wide open and his head poking out the window.

"Yeah I think we at the right place." Lil Mikey said. CK nodded and exited the car. Lil Mikey did the same pulling out his Mini Submachine Gun. CK pulled out an AP Pistol and walked up to the door.

"This bitch gon' get the heat! Know what I'm sayin'? Bang Bang!! Right up in her face." Lil Mikey shouted. CK just shook his head as he took a step back and kicked the door in. The two walked in holding their guns up and looking around the living room.

"Is someone there?" a female voice called out. Lil Mikey looked at CK who put a finger to his mouth. The two stood aiming at the room they heard it from as a woman in a suit walked out. Her eyes went wide at the sight of the two men, who smiled in response.

"Sarah Spruce, you're coming with us." CK said.

"Don't make me pop a cap in your ass." Lil Mikey said taking a step forward. Sarah quickly ran for the front door, but the two men in her way stopped that quickly. They grabbed her and tried to subdue her but she continued to put up a fight. She dug her fingers into CK's eyes, causing him to yell in pain and let go of her. His hands instantly went to his eyes and she kicked him with all the power she had, sending him falling down into a glass coffee table.

"Oh shit." Lil Mikey said letting go of her and looking at CK. "You... You good homie... You not dead right?"

"Just knock her out." CK said. Lil Mikey nodded and turned around to see receive a kick to his groin, instantly sending him to his knees. Sarah took this moment to catch her breath but it wasn't the right choice as CK backhanded her, and knocked her out. He picked up her body, leaving the house a wreck as Lil Mikey slowly waddled behind them.

"She's gonna go in the trunk." CK said.

"Whatever man." Lil Mikey said in an extremely high pitch voice.

"You good?" CK asked.

"I'm good man just fuckin' drive." Lil Mikey said as he got into the passenger seat. CK got into the drivers seat and drove off heading in the direction of Blaine County.

* * *

Catherine grabbed her keys out of her pocket while in her garage that was also located at the bottom of her apartment building. She walked over to her car and unlocked it before getting inside. She was planning on going out and looking for a job since she needed a way to pay the bills. As she drove out of the garage she thought back to what she had recently found out. That Donny only has his job because of his uncle being the mayor.

"Fucking scumbags." Catherine said as she pulled out into the street. She took a left from where her garage let her out and she saw a car crash blocking her from going to the left. She looked to the right and saw what looked like an army of black vans blocking the road. She looked back to the right and saw that there were no cars waiting behind the crash. She looked in front of her and saw that Spanish gangsters were holding Assault Rifles and aiming them at her car.

"What the-" Catherine was saying but was cut off by the sound of gunfire. From the front, left, and right her car began to get shot by Assault Rifles, shattering the windows and riddling the car with bullet holes as members of both the Ballas and Aztecas fired their weapons. 

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