Chapter 16

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"Uncle, we have a problem!" Donny said walking into the mayor's office where Tank was still seated. He looked and Tank and then back at his Uncle Paul. "I um, didn't realize you were with someone. I can wait outside."

"No, no, no, Donny don't be silly. You two have been working together this whole time." Paul said.

"You mean to tell me the pigs are against these fools too?" Tank asked Paul. Donny stared a hole into the back of Tank's head as Paul leaned back on his desk.

"My nephew isn't like the other cops. He solely listens to me. Now I gave him the same list you and that other gang leader have." Paul said. "I need these people off these streets and it's all for a specific reason."

"Which is?" Tank asked.

"They try to stop what I'm doing. If they interfere with the gangs I lose business. If they ruin the drug trade... I lose business. And you, Tank, have made quite a lot of enemies. My nephew has made an enemy, the other gang leader has made enemies. I need those problems wiped out so that way business runs smooth and I get my Goddamn money." Paul said.

"About that, my enemy got away." Donny chimed in. Paul stared at him, narrowing his eyes and eventually he sighed.

"Tank go with my nephew and help him solve his problem." Paul said. Tank stood up and nodded before following Donny out of the office.

"You're gonna follow my orders on this. I'm not taking orders from any gangbangin' fucker." Donny said.

"Shit nigga, you got it. I ain't gonna get on your Unc's bad side." Tank said as the two walked to Donny's police car.

* * *

Catherine laid on her couch, with a blood path leading up to her room. Her leg was still bleeding and she felt extremely weak and dizzy. She looked at the wound and saw that the bullet had gone straight through her leg, so she could work on it here if she had to.

"Needle." Catherine said to herself as she slowly stood up from her couch. She hobbled over to her bedroom which was just a few steps away. She hobbled over to it, using anything in her path to hold herself up. When she reached her bedroom a first aid kit was lying on her bed already. She sat down and opened it finding nothing but pads to clean up the blood and stuff to disinfect it.

"Fuck fuck fuck." Catherine said as she poured the liquid onto the pads and wiped her injury off. She gritted her teeth and breathed heavily as she cleaned it off. She reached under her bed and pulled out a sewing kit, grabbing the needle and some thread.

"Don't let them win. Don't let 'em." Catherine said. She set up the thread and needle and held the needle up to her bullet wound as her hand shook violently. "You've seen this on TV. You'll be fine."

Catherine put the needle into her skin, causing her to scream out in pain, but she didn't stop. She continued to pull it through. She had to do this multiple times until the wound was fully closed. She ripped the thread so it was no longer attached to the needle and looked up. She nearly fell over and passed out due to the pain but the sound of her front door being slammed open snapped her out of it. She looked up and saw them come through her bedroom door, aiming pistols at her.

"She's out of it." Donny said. Catherine slowly stood up and raised her fists but as soon as she did she began to tip over. Donny walked over to her and as soon as he was in range, Catherine punched him across the face and dug her free hand's thumb into his eye.

"Ahhhh!!" Donny yelled out. Catherine continued to do this, trying to blind him but was eventually stopped when Tank hit her over the head with his pistol, officially knocking her out. Donny held his eye and looked down at her with pure hatred.

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