Chapter 23

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"Here's the deal. That cabron killed one of my top men. He's going to fucking pay. Me and Jorge are going to take some men and go after him. We had a guy follow him out so we know where he is headed. Another man of ours followed Alex and the people he was with. Tank you should send guys after him." Jorge said as he stood outside his large SUV with Pablo next to him and a phone on the hood of the car. He was in a conference call with Tank, Donny, and Paul.

"Yeah I'll get on that. My man CK will go after Alex. Donny you should try to find out stuff about your that bitch you worked with." Tank said.

"After you talk to your men Tank, I wanna speak to you at my office." Paul said.

"You got it boss." Tank said.

"Donny out." Donny said as he hung up the phone. A few more clicks happened and the conference call had ended leaving Jorge and Pablo standing there. Jorge looked at the dirt and stroked his goatee a few times before looking up at Pablo.

"I always knew you'd make it farther than him." Jorge said. Pablo's eyes widened a bit as Jorge placed a hand on his shoulder. "You had what I was looking for. Miguel was just going to hold you back. Now you are my right hand man. My second in command, no more sharing the position."

"But boss... Miguel was our brother." Pablo said.

"That he was. But he was also not our equal hermano. He didn't have the ability to do what you will do. And that's kill them all." Jorge said. He slapped Pablo on the cheek lightly and smiled at him. "Let's go rally our men."

* * *

"Rory I want you and some boys to go and fuck up Jorge. Take him out. Take out that man that's got his nose up his ass as well. Want both of those fucking Aztecas in the dirt, sleeping forever. Then when you done with that, kill Mitchell and anyone he is with. We bouta' clean slate this bitch. Once you call me and CK calls me to tell me he's taken care of Alex and whoever the fuck he's with, I'll pop the mayor. We ain't fucking dying, not today niggas." Tank said as he, Rory, and CK sat in his living room.

"What about the cop?" CK asked.

"What about him? That bitch won't make a move on us with both of his allies gone." Tank said.

"I can't believe they fucking got to Mikey before I could kill his two-face ass." Rory said as he got up. Vein bulged out of him as the anger pulsed through him. "I'll kill all those niggas." He stormed out of Tank's house and instantly rounded up a group of 10 Ballas and got into a car. The group of 3 cars then sped out of the cul de sac and to where Jorge told them Mitchell would be.

"CK get your men together. You're goin' to where Jorge said Alex was." Tank said. CK nodded as Tank and him walked outside and Tank got into a Bravado Gauntlet that was all purple. He drove off heading for the mayor as CK and his crew left for Alex.

* * *

Jorge, Pablo, and about twenty Azteca members circled around the apartment Carlos and Heath had been staying at. A small group of them had already entered the building and were going floor to floor, looking for which room they were in. They were already on the third floor while Carlos and the others were on the ninth floor.

"Fuck, we gotta start moving." Mitchell said as he held his wounded shoulder. Carlos and Heath were sitting on the couch while Colton was staring out the peephole holding a Pistol .50. All of them had been wearing dirty clothing, Colton having it the worst. His shirt was ripped with blood stains all over the wife beater he had under the dress shirt. His pants had holes and tears in them as well.

"You and Heath aren't going anywhere." Carlos said as he wiped his forehead, replacing the sweat with more dirt to cover his face. He looked out the window and saw Pablo standing outside. "And neither are we."

"What?" Heath asked, his curly hair greasy and dried blood covering his face. He stood up and hobbled over to Carlos and saw Aztecas outside.

"There here aren't they?" Colton asked. He lowered his head and sighed as Mitchell stood and cocked the pistol he had on him.

"Time to go out with a fight." he said. Carlos and Heath looked at each other then back outside.

Meanwhile outside, Pablo and Jorge were standing behind the group of Aztecas that were circling around the building. Three cars belonging to the Ballas pulled up and 10 men stepped out with Rory leading the pack.

"Tank actually sent us backup?" Jorge asked with a smirk.

"You could say that." Rory said as he pulled out a pistol and fired it at Jorge, nearly hitting him but Pablo pulled him out of the way just in time. The two ducked behind their van as the Aztecas turned their attention to the Ballas and started firing. Gunfire filled the streets as Rory ran and dove behind the van Pablo and Jorge were at.

* * *

CK and his crew of 15 men pulled up outside Alex's house where an Azteca was sitting in a car watching over it. CK turned and looked at him, quickly pulling out his pistol and shooting him. A Balla ran to Alex's door and kicked it in but was instantly shot in the head. CK turned his attention to this and smiled

"Surprise mother fuckers!" he shouted. He and half the Ballas stormed the front while the others ran to the back of the house. All that was heard through the neighborhood was the sound of guns being fired and people crying out in pain.

* * *

Tank sat in Paul's office with a pistol secretly hidden in his boot. Paul was leaning on the desk, standing in front of him with his arms crossed and staring at the floor. It had been like this for a while. Tank had been bouncing his leg up and down, waiting for the calls to come his way so he could finish it and he and his boys could be freed from the vice grip Paul had them in.

"Do you think I'm fucking stupid?" Paul asked as he finally looked up. Tank stared at him, raising an eyebrow. "I know what's been going on Tank."

"What you talkin' 'bout?" Tank asked, playing dumb, although it might not have been that hard for him.

"The Ballas and Aztecas have a long standing rivalry, dating back to many years ago. It's no surprise that you'd try to take them out while a quiet war wages on in the middle of the city. I don't blame you, it's a smart idea. But, if it messes with my fucking plan you'll end up like all the Aztecas your targeting."

"Man, I ain't tryin' to kill them." Tank said as he sucked his teeth.

"Don't fuck with me. You may think you are high and mighty on the food chain, but I have my connections and to me, you are way at the bottom. Fuck with me, and you'll be fed to the people in between us. I'm at the type you slimy fuck, you get me?" Paul asked rhetorically. Tank sat there staring down Paul when all of a sudden his phone went off. His eyes went wide and Paul raised an eyebrow.

"You gonna' answer it slick?" Paul asked as he turned around and began to look at his papers. Tank reached into his pocket at the same time slowly began to reach down to his boot. He pulled his phone out first and pressed the answer button as his hand inched closer to the hidden gun.

"Hello?" Tank asked. 

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