Chapter 19

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Tank stood in the middle of the cul de sac his gang resided in and stared at all of the members that surrounded him. He had spread the word that this would be an important meeting and everyone should be here to hear it. He swallowed loudly and cleared his throat as the chatter around him began to subside.

"I have a message. A message from me to all of you." Tank said. "For a while now I've been doin' busy with a real shady nigga, and my job was to take out some specific targets. Now these targets are in our city. And with that, the Aztecas are entering are turf as well." Tank said. The chatter began to rise and Tank held a hand up to signal silence.

"Those motherfuckers are coming into our city. So if you see one, don't stop to put a bullet in their head. As for the targets. I want them alive. I'll have someone handin' out papers with their faces. You bring 'em to me and you get promoted and a cut of the money that I'll be getting. That's all niggas." Tank said as the gang members dispersed back to their houses. Tank shook his head and walked to his head, preparing for a war.

* * *

Jorge stood on the balcony of the motel his gang owned as his members stood below looking up at him. He was leaning against the railing and thinking about what he would say. Eventually he heard the crowd in front of him quiet down and that's when Jorge decided to speak.

"Hermanos. It seems that there is a threat to our gang. A powerful has threatened to terminate all of us if we don't do what he wants. But his task is a simple one. We have a number of targets to bring to him, alive. If we do this, we get to be free. But here is the catch. They are in the city. And in that city is our rivals. Now I don't doubt that their leader will try something funny, because he always does. I want all of you to be on alert. Find those cabrons. Bring them to me and you'll be safe from death." Jorge said. "Let's move out men."

The Aztecas began to pile into vans while Jorge pulled his revolver out of his holster and stared at it. He slowly moved his hand over it and smiled.

"Tengo una bala salvó sólo para usted Tank." Jorge said to himself. He placed the revolver back into his holster and walked down the steps of the motel and entered a van that had been waiting for him.

* * *

"This is the place you want us to stay at?" Mitchell asked as he walked inside the small apartment that was located right next to the beach in the city. Already waiting there was Catherine, Leo, and Lil Mikey while Carlos was with Heath in the bedroom, watching over him. Alex carried in Maxine and laid her down onto the couch. He sat next to her and looked up at Mitchell, Leo, and Catherine.

"So what's the plan now?" Leo asked.

"Are we just going to sit here and wait to be found?" Catherine asked.

"What else are we gonna do?" Sarah asked as she walked over to the freezer and saw a bag of vegetables there. She took it out and tossed it to Alex who placed it on Maxine's forehead.

"Before we go at each other's throats can we get everyone's names." Mitchell suggested.


"I'm Catherine."

"She's Maxine. I'm Alex."



"I'm Carlos. The one with the curly hair in there is Heath." he said walking out from the bedroom.

"And then there's my boy Lil Mikey, who helped us escape." Leo said. Lil Mikey popped his head out of the bathroom and smiled.

"That's me." Lil Mikey said before going back into the bathroom. Carlos washed his hands at the sink and looked at Sarah and she looked at him. The two held eye contact for nearly a minute until Mitchell looked back and forth between the two and stepped between them.

"What's going on here?" Mitchell asked.

"I recognize him..." Sarah said as she walked away from both of them.

"Can we talk about a plan now?" Catherine asked as she folded her arms.

"We aren't going anywhere." Alex chimed in. Everyone looked at him and he instantly felt like he was going to be attacked. "We are all a mess. Maxine and Heath are both unconscious. Catherine, I saw the limp you had, you're in no condition to move, and I bet Mayor Madden has got tons of people looking for us."

"He's got a point." Mitchell said.

"Woah woah woah. Did you say the Mayor?" Catherine asked. Everyone yet again looked at Alex who's eyes went wide.

"You... You guys didn't know?" Alex asked.

"He's fucking behind this?!" Catherine began to raise her voice.

"Calm down senorita." Leo said. Catherine shot him a look before sitting down on the couch next to Alex.

"So what the fuck is the plan?" she asked. Alex looked at Mitchell, who shrugged. Sarah went to the second bedroom the apartment had, while Carlos went to where Heath was.

"Me and Lil Mikey will talk some stuff out. We might just have to leave here in general." Leo said. "Liberty City is nice I here."

"We aren't going to just back down." Catherine said.

"Why don't we all rest up and talk about this at another time." Mitchell said. "We all need it." He walked off to the same room Sarah went to while Catherine sighed and walked outside, slamming the front door behind her. Alex leaned back on the couch while Leo walked out to the small balcony the apartment had and stared out at the beach.

* * *

"Colton?! Where the fuck are you?! This is like the fifth time I've called and you still haven't picked up. I think our plans need to move forward. Things are going to shit much quicker than we expected. If you already skipped town I'm gonna kick your ass C. We made a deal that if one of us bolts it, we both bolt it. Call me the fuck back." Lance said into his phone. He hung up and the door behind him opened. He turned around quickly as Donny stood there waiting in Paul's office while Paul was behind his desk on the phone.

"Yes, you will be paid a hefty amount for the use of this private army. I don't know how long I will need them but I'm going to need a lot. Thank you." Paul said hanging up the phone. He smiled at Lance as he walked in and Lance nodded at him.

"Was that the start?" Lance asked.

"Yes it was. I just hired a private army to come into the city and take care of our problem. Sure we have the gangs but who knows how long Tank and Jorge can go without turning on each other." Paul said. He stood up and brushed his hair back with his hand.

"So what's next?" Lance asked.

"We are going to have to wipe out those pests obviously." Paul said.

"And after that?" Lance asked.

"We should cut off all connections." Donny said. "Take out Tank and his top guys. Jorge and his top guys can bite the bullet and take one for the team too. We won't need them after this."

"They are my way of making profit Donny boy. Without them my drugs don't move and I can't be rich. Once we take over this city the gangs will be gone, and all that will stand are those that stuck by me and the wealthy." Paul said. After a moment of silence he continued with, "maybe not even the wealthy. I could just have my own little city to myself. And you two of course."

"What about Colton?" Lance asked.

"Colton obviously didn't stick by me. He let Mitchell find us and now, the next time I see him he'll meet my friend Mr. Bullet. The fucker deserves death after crossing me." Paul said. "All those fuckers will pay." 

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