10 | mamihlapinatapai

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"What do you mean you still haven't finished it?"

Few people that were passing by turned their heads at Irene's loud tone, but she paid them no mind. Lily rolled her eyes.

"Ira, it's just been four days and I haven't had much time to sit and read."

"That's not an excuse, hoe. What about the flight from London to here, hm? That was at least twelve hours long."

"Which I spent sleeping," Lily added.

"Oh, you repel me, Lils!" Irene said dramatically, her face an epitome of exaggerated disgust. "Haven't you heard? Sleep is for the weak. How dare you put the need for rest before the need to finish a damn great book that your amazing best friend has so thoughtfully suggested you?"

Lily sighed. "I will finish it if you stop being so melodramatic."

"Shut up. You know you love me."

"Whatever you say."

Another boom of rampant thunder sounded as they crossed the main lobby. The girls' heads turned toward the large windows that were smeared with heavy raindrops. The sky was still as porpoise grey and tumultuous as it had been earlier that day, and the trees of Hogwarts' majestic front garden trembled in the tempestuous wind.

The two friends had just left the spa after a relaxing morning at the indoor pool, since going outside had been completely out of the question.

"This weather's driving me nuts," Lily said, brows knitted together. "If I wanted rain and humidity, I might as well have stayed in England. I don't understand - yesterday was a lovely day. How did it get like this overnight?"

"You speak as if I'm some meteorologist, Lils. How the devil am I supposed to know?"

"I'm not demanding answers from you, silly. Even if I could actually get answers from someone, you'd be the last person on my mind."

"And then you call yourself my best friend."

"Damn right I do," replied Lily with a smirk, but it quickly faltered once her emerald eyes turned skyward again. She sighed. "I hope the sun comes up again tomorrow. Mind you, I'm here to get some vitamin D."

"Well, as much as I loved our relaxing day at the spa today, I have to agree on that one. Except that I couldn't care less about the vitamins; I'm only here for a good tan."

A soft laugh bubbled past Lily's lips and she shook her head.

As the two friends were making their way to the elevators to get to their room, the sound of rushed footsteps and heavy panting made them turn their heads in curiosity. The person running in their direction, a boy - who looked like he'd ran a marathon - stopped once he reached them, hands resting on his bent knees, chest heaving up and down as he struggled to regain normal breathing.

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