The Gravity-defying, Silver Haired Jounin

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~Chapter 1~

Akira's Pov

"AKIRA!" shouted my brother, Ryuu, fuming. I was running away from him with my younger sister, Emiko, laughing because we both had found some cherry red berries and smeared it on his lips like lipstick for just a teeny, tiny bit of entertainment because, well we were bored out of our minds! We had been traveling in the wood for about as long as I can remember.

"I will get you two later, so be on your guard!" he yelled at us, to tired to keep chasing after us.

"Wow, that was one of your best ideas yet, Akira," Emiko told me, with a spark of humor in her eyes.

"Oh, I know," I said while putting my arm around her shoulder. I have always been close to my family. Well with what family I have left, but that's another story. Anyway, even though we are siblings we look nothing a like. I mean Emiko is 11. She has shoulder length, more brownish than blond hair, about 4' 3, and has blue eyes She is our sweet, little sister. She isn't mean to ANYONE, unlike me and Ryuu. Well, unless you get her pissed, then there's no saving ya, because you are officially dead. But when it comes to food, you want to make sure you are MILES away because she is the messiest eater i have EVER met.

Then there's Ryuu who is 12. He has dark brown, almost black, short hair. He's about 4'11 with chocolate brown eyes. He is WAY to over protective of me and Emiko. Always making sure nothing bad happens to us like our parents. Other than that, he's pretty chill. Though around other people, he's some emotionless, anti social kind of guy. Anytime we come across a village the girls are always all over him because apparently he is sooo amazing and hot. Ha, as if. They are confusing him with me. He told me it was annoying as hell. Speaking of me, I have just turned 13. When I was born I had white hair, but since then it has been getting darker. Now it is a dirty blond color. I'm about 5'1, normal height for my age, but my most favorite is my eyes. They are a stormy grey with emerald green around my pupil (sp?) that gets lighter and darker according to my mood. Ryuu and Emiko always told me that I'm weird and crazy and....other things, but I don't think so. I think I'm amazing. And that not just me being conceded Another thing is, I absolutely, LOVE to train. Ryuu is always literally DRAGGING me to bed every night. He is such a boring, no good, rude, emotionless freak. Nahh I'm just kidding.

One thing we all have in common is we are all jinjuriki. Emiko is the host of the 10 tailed fire phonix (Sp?). Ryuu is the host of the 11 tailed tiger. Finally, I am the host of the 12 tailed black wolf. The only reason we know this is because when the Matsumoto clan, our clan, was massacred our parents told us with their dying breathes. Dramatic I know , but it still hurts thinking about them.

"Well, we better get back before Ryuu...." I stopped talking abruptly, seeing something behind Emiko.

"W-what is i-it, A-akira?" she asked me, her words quivering with worry.

"What ever you do, don't turn around," I told her.

"Why?" she asked me.

"Because," I whispered, going into chibi (sp?) form, "there is a ninja with GRAVITY-DEFYING SILVER HAIR BEHIND YOU!" I squealed, getting louder at the end. The guy with the *cough* awesome *cough* hair turned around to look at us.

"AHHH!" screamed Emiko, while turning around.

" HEY!" I yelled at her, "I thought I told you not to turn around!" She turned back around to face me, a sheepish grin on her face.

"Hehe, sorry," she told me.

"Aww, I can't stay mad at you, come here," I told her, pulling her into a hug.

"Don't worry you guys, I'm coming!" Ryuu yelled, barreling into us, making all three of us fall on top of each other.

"Ahhh, what just happened?" I heard the silver haired ninja mumble to himself.

"That, my awesome haired ninja, is our daily lives," I told him, giving him a closed eyed smile. My smile disappeared though when I remembered how Ryuu just made me fall.

"Ryuu," I growled lowly. I heard three gulps. Hmm guess even that jounin was scared of me when I was mad. Insert evil laugh here.

Remembering Ryuu, I jumped up and tackled Ryuu, who was trying to inconspicuously (hehe I used a big word) scoot away.

"AHH!" he yelled.

"I got you now mahahaha!" I screamed back at him. I pinned him down by his shoulders. "Now say sorry," I commanded.

"NEVER!" he yelled in my face. An evil grin spread across my face.

"Okay, torturing it is," I said, still smiling. I slowly brought my fingers to his stomach and started to....TICKLE HIM!

"AH HAHAHAHA!" he scream/laughed. "Okay, okay.....I'll... say..... it," he told me, in between laughs.

"Mmm serves him right," I thought. I crawled off him and gave him my hand to help him up. When he was finally standing I put my hands on my hips and glared at him jokingly. "Now say it," I barked at him.

"Yes ma'am," he said while mock saluting. He took a gulp of breathe then mumbled "Sry."

"What was that?" I asked him, a grin on my face, while cupping my hand around my cheek.

"Oh Akira, give him a break, he said sorry," Emiko said, breaking into our little fake war.

"Fine," I mumbled, pouting.

"Uh sorry to break this, uh, interesting conversation up, but who are you guys and why are you at The Village Hidden in the Leaves?" the jounin that I now realized had most his face covered by his headband and a mask around his mouth and nose.

"Wha..?" I questioned, just remembering he was there watching us with an amused smirk, I think. I couldn't really tell because of his mask.

"Who are you?" asked Ryuu quite rudely.

"Ryuu, don't be so rude," Emiko scolded him.

"Sorry Emiko," he mumbled, head down towards the ground like a little kid being scolded by their mother. It was pretty funny seeing this because she was about a head smaller than him. Then an angry mark appeared on my forehead. "So you'll apologize to her but not me," I yelled in Ryuu's face. Suddenly, a smug grin appeared on his face. "Why, does it annoy you?" he asked me.

"Um, YA!" I yelled.

"Then yes, yes I wi.....AHHH!" his sentence was cut short because I had tackled him to the ground again.

"UHGG, not again," I barely heard Emiko say over mine and Ryuu's shouts of pain and insults.

"Ahem," I heard the jounin say to get our attention.

"WHAT!" Emiko, Ryuu, and I all yelled at the same time. He put his hands up in the 'nothing' jester.

"Nothing, nothing I just need to take you guys to the Hokage for questioning," he told us. I got an anger mark on my forehead, along with a twitch.


"No, no it's just procedure to do so," he told me calmly, not fazed by my anger at all. Mff, emotionless freak.

"Oh, fine then. Come on guys lets get this over with," I hmphed and turned to get my backpack of stuff, then walking towards the village.

"Um, miss-" the ninja spoke.

"Akira," I told him.

"Yes, Akira, well the village is this way," he told me with a glint of humor in Ryuu and Emiko snickered at me which resulted in me glaring at them

"Shut it guys, how was I supposed to know where the stupid village was," I grumbled at them as we headed toward the village.


Well that's it for the first chapter hope you guys like it and VOTE COMMENT AND FAN!!!!!!!

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