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Chapter 7

~Akira's Pov~

I looked down at my now empty wallet woefully. Naruto hadn't actually won, we both tied. That little bugger was fast when he wanted some free ramen. Anyway, the reason my wallet was empty was because me and Naruto had another contest to see who could eat the most. We tied. So we both had to pay for our own.

"So where do you live anyway?" Naruto asked me. I looked over at my new best friend in thought. Now that I thought of it, I didn't really have any idea.

"Um, I don't know exactly," I told him. I changed my direction towards the Hokage tower.

"H-hey, where are you going?!" Naruto yelled at my back as I raced down the road. I paused my trek and turned towards Naruto.

"Hokage tower. Wanna come?" I asked him. His signature cheesy grin broke out across his face. Nodding his head excitedly, he raced towards me. I turned my head in Naruto's direction as he started talking. A competitive spark in his eye caught my attention.

"Wanna race?" he asked me in his usual hyped up behavior. I shook my head in mock disappointment, but it was obvious I was joking because of the smile on my face.

We got in ready positions.

"Okay, On your mark."

"Get set."


I shot off, going as fast as I could, my pride damaged from losing last time. I hate losing. I laughed when I looked over my shoulder seeing Naruto's determined look.


"I WON! WHAT?! NO YOU DIDN'T, I DID! HEY, STOP THAT! UGH!" Naruto and I shouted simultaneously, pointing accusing fingers at each other.

We both turned around when we heard a deep, throaty chuckle. The Hokage was looking at us with amused eyes.

"Oh, hey old man," Naruto and I said at the same time. Again. We looked at each other then burst out laughing.

Once we calmed down, I sat cross legged on the floor.

"Um, Akira? What are you doing?" the Hokage asked me slowly. I just crossed my arms and pouted.

"I forgot what I came here for, so I'm trying to remember why," I told him annoyed.

"You started coming here when I asked you where you lived, remember?" Naruto told me. I snapped my fingers.

"Ah, now I remember. It has something to do with where I'm going to live," I stated. I turned to look at Naruyo as he anime fell.

"What's wrong with you?" I asked him.

"I SO just said that Aki," Naruto whined. A question mark appeared over my head.

"Aki?" I asked him confused. He just grinned speepishly and rubbed the back of his neck.

"Well, ya I guess I just gave you that as a nickname," he told me. I mouthed an oh in understanding.

"Yup, now I get it!" I proclaimed, my hand raised Ina superman pose, but then I squinted my eyes at him.

"So I guess this means I gotta think up a nickname for you, too. Thinking about it, Sasuke and Sakura already got nicknames, so its only fair you get one," I told him, nodding my head for added affect. I put my thumb and pointer finger in an L shape and put them on my chin in thought.

"Hm, how about.... Orange Flash?" I asked. I saw the Hokage stiffen when I said that. Hm, I wonder why?

"What!? No way! That's a stupid nickname," he yelled at me, waving his arms in my face. I scowled at him as I swatted his arms away.

"What happened to its the thought that counts?" I asked him pointedly.

"That only works for presents," he shot back. Not being able to come up with a desent comeback, I just stuck my tongue out at him.

"Well, since that was a big no, how bout...... FH?" I asked. Naruto got a confused look on his face.

"Um, what does it mean?" he asked. I smiled at him.

"Future Hokage."

Hokage's Pov

Akira really seems good for Naruto. They just met, and I can already tell that they get along great. I can already see how Akira affects him. He seems..... Happier. More radiant.

But... At the same time, Akira seems to do this to more people than just Naruto. I mean, she is rude, sarcastic, blunt, hyper, loud, and much more, but.... It seems she just gives off a happy radiant glow that you can't help but be affected by. Akira, I know you will be a great ninja that will help us shape a better future.


Hey guys. Sorry this is so short, but I have another choir competition and ima bout to leave in like 5 minutes but I wanted to get this out to you guys.

And you wanna know what's awesome?! This story has 167 reads!!!!!!!:O How amazing is that! When I saw that I was like YAA!:D

So thank you everyone who reads this it means a lot to me.

Next thing of business, about the whole Orange Flash thing, well for those of you who didn't get it, Naruto's dad's nickname is the Yellow Flash. So that's why Sarutobi kinda went for a whirl there. Yah, I just TOTALLY messed up the spelling of the Hokae's name-_- How said.



Nah, that's not it. I acually want you guys to check out two of my new stories Musical Escape and She'll Always Be One Of Us. Neither are Naruto fanfics but bare with me. I wanna know if I should continue them or just trash em. Welp, that's it sooooo.... Bye.

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