Falling off Buildings and Survival Exercises

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Chapter 6

~Akira's Pov~

"Ugh! He's late," grumbled Naruto, pouting.

"NARUTO! Sit back down!" Sakura yelled at Naruto, shaking her fist at him. I glared at her.

"Why don't you just shut up and stop being an annoying prit?" I asked her mockingly. I then whirled around, thinking I had heard a chuckle that kind of sounded like one of those evil laughs just quieter. I looked over at Sasuke.

"Did you just..... Chuckle?" I asked him incredibly.

"Hn, no," Sasuke grumbled, crossing him arming and shoving his nose into the air. I glared at him, but then smirked.

"Hm, well my physic powers tell me you did," I said matter of factly.

"Hn, whatever loser," he growled out. I looked at him gasping, my eyes wide.

"I am sooo not a loser, Duckling," I defended, giggling to myself towards the end at his glare. I expected him to throw back a smarty person reply. I turned towards Naruto and Sakura when I heard Sakura screech something uninteresting out.

So on that note, I looked at what Naruto was doing. A laugh broke through my lips as I saw what he was trying to do.

"This is what he gets for being late, SUR-PRISE!" Naruto yelled, hopping off the stool he had been standing on.

Naruto had wedged an eraser into the door so that whoever opened the door, the eraser would fall on that person. A practical joke.

"Wow Naruto, you really need to come up with pranks above amateur level is you want to rival against me," I told him cheekily. I heard Sasuke scoff.

"Our teacher's a Jounin, an elite ninja, he wouldn't fall for that," Sasuke told us. I just stuck my tongue out at him.

"Ima laugh when it works, Ducky," I said, mocking him.

"Ya, Naruto! Sasuke's right, you're totally clueless," Sakura chirped, completely ignoring what I had just said. Don't I feel discluded.

Suddenly a hand appeared on the door, opening it. The same Jounin that had brought me here, Kakashi, stood in the doorway in all his awesome hairness. The eraser smacked straight on his head.

Both Naruto and I cracked up laughing.

"Ah-HAHAHA! HE TOTALLY FELL FOR IT!" Naruto screamed while still laughing.

"I KNOW RIGHT!" I yelled back, also still laughing.

*10 minutes later*

Everyone looked at me as I stood upright. I had been laughing hysterically for about the past 10 minutes and had just finally stopped.

As I looked at everyone's faces, I saw they all had different expressions.

Naruto- A weird grin kinda thing going on.

Sakura- An she is soo weird, Sasuke will never like her.

Kakashi- What have I gotten myelf into.

Sasuke- ........Hn.


Everyone's Pov


At least someone gets my jokes. I mean, what's a Hokage without at least a little humor.


She better not try anything on my Sasuke or I'll beat her up. I mean, she is kind of pretty. Never mind that, Sasuke's mine. We WILL end up together, no matter what.

The Three Jinjuriki SiblingsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ