Meeting Old Friends

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Chapter 9

Kakashi's Pov

I had Naruto frozen, a kunai to the back of the neck. If he hadn't been so hasty, I could have actually said start.

"What, I haven't even said start yet. At least you came at me with the full intent to kill me. What can I say? I think I'm starting to take a liking to you guys." I told the four.

I eyed the slightly larger than usual group of genin. They didn't seem special. Except for Sasuke. Sasuke Uchiha, the lone survivor of the Uchiha clan.

Letting go of the loud blond, I got ready to start the useless test. No ones past it, and this group isn't anything special.

"Ready," I drawled out, in a casual stance. I saw Akira tighten the glove on her hands and draw a line in the dirt with her foot. Hm, interesting. It seems like a preparation to me.


I watched as the seemingly normal pair, Sasuke and Sakura, jump off and hide.

I looked around for where Naruto and Akira ran off to.

I felt my eyes slightly widen in surprise when I saw Naruto standing boldly in front of me.

I looked around for Akira. I didn't notice her jump off anywhere. She just, disappeared. She doesn't seem like an ordinary genin.

"Hey! You and me, right now! Let's go!" I rose an eyebrow at him. Of course it was Naruto.

"Hm, compared to the others, you seem a little.... Weird," I murmured.

Naruto glowered at me fiercely.

"The only thing weird here is your haircut!" he barked out loudly.

I heard booming laughter come from above. I continued to look at Naruto when something fell out of the tree behind me.

"Ahh! Damn it, Sasuke! That was ALL your fault! Now Kakashi sensei knows where I am!" Akira whispered/yelled in the direction she just fell from, shaking her fist in the air for emphasis. So that's where she was.

Oh boy.

Akira's Pov

I jumped on a high branch of a tree. I watched Naruto jump in front of Kakashi. Oh, poor teacher guy. He has to deal with Naruto AND me.

Naruto started rambling something around the lines of "Come at me, bro!" Okayy, so he obviously didn't say those exact words, but it's close enough.

I looked down when I heard rustling a few branches below. An almost inaudible evil chuckle bubbled out the back of my throat. Sasuke.

I rubbed my hands together with a malicious grin on my face as an idea popped inside my head.

I hooked my legs around the tree branch I was on and let myself swing silently towards Sasuke.

Once I fully came to a stop, I was now successfully hanging upside down.

I slowly poked Sasuke on the back of his head. He jumped but a sound didn't escape his lips. He turned around to give me one of his famous death glares. But his are nothing compared to mine. I'm an evil pixie undercover as an amazingly beautiful ninja. I can't have myself being beaten by some moody teenager.

"What are doing you idiot," Sasuke hissed at me. I pouted and crossed my arms.

"It didn't even work," I mumbled moodily. A soft growl escaped his lips and he swiftly turned back around to watch Naruto and Kakashi.

"The only weird thing here is your haircut!" I heard Naruto's loud voice shriek.

I busted out laughing at this random but for some weird reason halarious comment.

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