Team 7

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~ Chapter 5 ~

Akira's Pov

"Hello?" I called out. My footsteps echoing (sp?) off of the dark walls that surrounding me. I had been wandering around for what seemed like hours. I have no idea how I even got here.

"Okay, Ryuu if this is some sick joke you're trying to pull it isn't funny at all," I said, my voice echoing back at me. I suddenly stopped in my tracks. I looked towards my left. I thought I had seen a shadow move.

"Who's there?" I questioned, getting an eerie silence as an answer. I felt something shift behind me.

"Wha?" I questioned, turning around. When I had finally turned around, seeing a face, but not being able to see their face through the shadows. They suddenly jumped towards me and stabbed me in the heart.


"Ahh!" I screamed, shooting up in bed. I was covered in a cold sweat. Ryuu suddenly came bursting into my room.

"What's wrong," he asked me, worry evident in his voice. When he saw the state I was in he rushed towards me and wrapped his arms around me.

"Shh, its okay," he whispered to me. I couldn't quite here him over my sobs. He kept whispering sweet nothing in my ear that I couldn't quite register.

~ Time Skip ~

I walked towards the academy with black bags under my eyes, evidence I didn't get a good nights sleep last night. I suddenly tumbled down when something smacked into me.

"Ugh," whatever ran into me and I groaned at the same time. I looked down to finally notice it was Naruto who had ran into me.

"Naruto, its to early for this," I grumbled grabbing the hand he offered me. He gave me a sheepish grin while rubbing the back of his head.

"Sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going," he mumbled. He looked up at me suddenly. "Hey, whats wrong with you?" he asked me, looking at the bags under my eyes. I rubbed my eyes trying to somehow miraculously make them go away.

"Oh those, they're nothing, don't worry about it," I told him shrugging my shoulders. He looked at me, he eyes telling what he was thinking. "Ya because bags aren't anything."

"Lets just head into the academy and hope we're on the same team," I said, already on my way inside.

"Hey! Wait for me!" he yelled at my back. I turned to face him, a smirk evident on my face.

"Then hurry up slow poke," I said. He just stuck his tongue out at me. Even though we have only known each other for like two days, I can already tell that we would have a close bond that, in my opinion, would become so strong that it would be unbreakable.

When we finally got to the academy, I saw that everyone had already arrived, even Emiko and Ryuu. And guess where the only empty seats were. One beside that Sakura girl and one besides some lazy kid named Shikamaru. Naruto charged towards the empty seat next to cotton candy. I walked towards the seat next to Shikamaru. When I finally sat down I noticed that Iruka sensei hadn't even shown up yet. Guess I could catch up on the sleep I had missed out on.

I looked toward Shikamaru getting ready to ask him to wake me up when Iruka got here but suddenly stopped short. I felt an anger mark appear on my forehead. He was already asleep. I sighed. Guess it couldn't be helped. I turned to the guy on the other side of me.

He had on black, round glasses that wouldn't allow you to see his eyes. Other than that he had a white jacket on that reached up to his nose. All in all he looked pretty.......awesome.

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