Home Arrangements

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Chapter 8

~Akira's Pov~

Both Naruto and I were walking towards our houses. No, I don't live with him. Emiko, Ryuu, and I all got a house on the outskirts of town. His house just happened to be along the way.

"Well, this is me," Naruto said, hooking his thumb in his apartments direction. Nodding, I kept walking in the direction the Hokage told me my new house was.

"Alright, see ya tomorrow at the training grounds. And remember, don't eat any breakfast," Naruto called out to me.

Freezing in my tracks, my head robotically turned towards Naruto. I zoomed over to his and grabbed his shoulders and started shaking them.

"No breakfast? NO BREAKFAST?! I can't do that! Who in their right mind wouldn't want to have breakfast?!" I screamed at him.

Wide eyed, Naruto looked at me with his mouth hanging open.

"U-um, I don't know. T-that's what Kakashi sensei told us. Don't you remember?" Naruto asked me.

I cocked my head to the side.

"Nope, not really" I told him. Letting go of him I turned around and walked away whistling.

"Well, bye!" I heard Naruto yell behind me. I just raised my pointer and middle finger as a short wave above my head.

I found the dirt path the Hokage had told me would lead to the house.

I started kicking a rock to try and rid myself of boredom. Yah, it wasn't working.

I decided to look at my scuffed up ninja sandals. It was a bad habit I had. I always dragged my feet on the floor. My mother did always tell me to never do that. She was always having to buy me new shoes because of it. Huh, mother knows best I guess. ( Yah, I know it rhymes. Shut up. )

I looked down at the ground in surprise. I lifted my hand to my cheeks and felt moisture. I was crying. I haven't cries since my clan was massacred. I then felt anger bubble up inside me at that murderer.

Why would that man do that? I don't know what he looks like because he had a hood over his face. I did see that he had on a black cloak though. It also had red clouds littering it. Trying to calm myself, I thought of my parents.

Thinking back, I missed them. I missed them so much, and it felt like someone ripped my heart out, but was cruel enough to keep me alive.

Emiko and Ryuu did help numb the pain, but they never made it go away.

I guess I was just doomed a scarred life.

'Damn you, fate.' I thought bitterly. My happiness always seemed to be taken from me. And I hated it. I hated it so much.


"Honey I'm home!" I shouted as I walked inside the door. No one responded. My eyes narrowed in suspicion. Using my ninja stealth, I rolled through the doorway towards what I hoped was the kitchen door.

I slowly opened the swinging door to what was indeed the kitchen. I looked around the room. Stainless steel appliances, nice.

I gasped when I saw the mess on the table. Milk was splattered all over the table with three different kinds of cereal spilled on the table and the floor surrounding the table.

Fuming, I stalked upstairs. Just moved in and I'm already going to have to clean.

"Emiko!" I roared out. Not hearing a response, I banged my way up the stairs. Once I was up, I started slamming open doors looking for her.

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