•8• 'New York; PT3'

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Once again, Italic = Korean, Regular = Nothing.

Max's POV; 12PM, EST; New York City. Times Square.

"Everyone drop their bags off?" I ask.

"Yes sir! What's the plan for today, Max?" Jungkookie speaks up.

"Well, i was thinking we go get some food, since this isnt my first time here i know where to go. Then, after that, How about 'Madame Tussauds'?" I ask the group.

"What's that?" Hoseok asks.

"It's this like.. wax figure place. It's hella cool.  It reminds me of Yoongi, since he never likes to move." I laugh.

"Go fuck yourself." Yoongi speaks.

"I will publicly humiliate  both of you if you don't shut the FUCK up with the arguing today. Getting on my last nerve.. Jesus. We're here to have a good time!" Jimin says.

"Jiminie!  Your language.. holy.." I cut Jungkook off by covering his mouth.

"New rule. No swearing in ANY language unless we're shocked or in trouble. Okay, everyone?" Jin asks.

"Fuck you, Jin." Yoongi says, flipping him off, smiling.

"EOMMA WILL SPANK YOU." Taehyung jokes.

"Everyone, Masks on. Follow me." I smile, signaling them out of the doors.

We walk out of the doors, hoods on, masks on, eyeglasses, everything.

Nobody seemed to recognize us, so we began walking towards the restaurant, Southern Hospitality.

The boys haven't really experienced southern food, unless its southern KOREAN food.

They're gonna love this.


We've been walking for like 30 minutes now but oh well, we're here finally.

We sit down waiting for Max to pull up the reservations.

"This place looks nice." I whisper to Yoongi,  who's tightly holding my hand. 

"Yoongs, is something wrong?" i ask.

"No, not at all.. just.. nervous to be in a new place, exploring without security." I giggle at his answer.

"Max has a knife with him at all times and is trained to do this without security. Don't worry." I reply.

"I'm not worried about fans and stuff, I'm worried about you." He says.

"I will ACTUALLY fuck someone up if they come near me, Yoongs. You know this." He stares at me with wide eyes.

"Max has taken me to New York several times. Don't worry about me.

"Worry about Namjoon over there who's squeezing Max's ass to all hell." I laugh, pointing to them.

"Oh my god he's so protective." Jin laughs.

"He doesnt wanna know what Max is capable of though.. He will shank a bitch.." Jungkook speaks.

Max walks back over and signals us to get up, and they take us towards the back with lots of seating.

"Hey, Do you guys happen to have any like.. different language menus? Everyone back here except like.. three? i believe.. can only read in Korean." Max asks.

"I can read in English too, Max." Yoongi speaks.

"Make that four." I giggle.

"Yeah, totally. I'll print some out for you." The waitress replies.

"Thank you." Max smiles towards her.

a few minutes pass and a different waiter comes out.

"Heard you needed some Korean-translated menus?" a man smiles towards us.

"That would be us."  Yoongi smiles.

"By the way, you guys are amazing. It's an honor to serve you guys." He smiles once again.

"Thank you very much." I smile, grabbing the Korean translated menus and handing them to who needs them.

"So, what drinks can i get for you today?" He asks, and we go around naming everything we want.


"This is the best American food i've ever had. Oh my god." Taehyung smiles.

"Wait 'til you get to my home state." Max grins.

"Max, this is like.. the best." Namjoon says, a mouth full of food. I giggle.

"I know. I come here every time i'm in New York." Max begins.

"This is Justin Timberlake's restaurant too. He's come to meet me once while I've been here. Cool, Hm?"

"Speaking of, Max, He's here, and wanted to know if he could talk to you." The waitress said while passing by.

"Uh? Oh, uh sure. I'll be there in a sec."

"Wonder what this is about.." I wonder.

"Max? What's this about?"  Jungkookie asks.

"I don't know.. I'll be back." He replies, getting out of his chair and walking to the back.


"The infamous Max Carstens! How are you kiddo?" He asks me.

"Doing better than last time you saw me." I smile towards him.

"So, first of all, usual protocol. I'm paying for your meal."

"Nope, not happening." I say.

"Hm?" he turns his head to the side.

"I'm famous dude, I can pay for my own stuff." I laugh.

"And? You're a close friend." He smiles.

"Fineeee. But i'm taking you to dinner one night while I'm here!"

"That's something we'll discuss later. However, I wanted to talk to you about moving here, or at least living here for a while."

"Wait what?"

The fuck?

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