•10• 'New York; The Finale.'

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Bold + a name = a persons thoughts.

"You're leaving us?"

They're all in unison. My heart is breaking.

"Please come in and sit down and talk with me." I say, wiping the tears from my eyes.

"Max, are you fucking serious?" Trix asks, pulling me to the side.

"If you fucking do this and our entire career ends up in flames I swear to GOD." They say, poking me in the shoulder.

"It's not.. I think it might help us-"

"Everything we worked so fucking hard for, and you're willing to throw it away?" They spit, venom dripping from their lips like a snake who just bit.

"You can do this but do NOT and I repeat, do fucking NOT leave me forever." They say, staring me dead in the eyes.

"I wasn't going to leave you forever.." I say, wiping the tears off with my sweater.

"Good. Now you go out there and explain. I need to sleep." They say, rubbing their forehead.

I walk towards the bed, hearing the door slam, only causing a tear to slip down my cheek quite fast.

"So, Max, care to explain?" Jungkookie asks.

•20 Minutes later, after the explaining•

"And thats what's going on. Please don't hate me." I say, wiping another tear from my eye.

Jungkook; "Why is he leaving us? I don't wanna miss him. I don't wanna lose my closest friend."

"Well..okay." Jin speaks.

"But Max, we'll miss you too much!" Jungkook says.

"I'll miss your hugs!" Tae sighs.

"I'll miss your awesome rapping and singing, Hyung!" Jimin whines.

"I know.. but once I'm back, I'll be back for good! I promise!" I say, reassuring them.

"But Max.. what about me?" Yoongi nods his head up, standing against the doorway.

"I told you how I felt about it. You really wanna leave us?" He asks, walking towards me.

"Do you wanna let the kids who look up to you down?" He asks, beginning to get emotional.

"Do you wanna make the person I love most sad?" He says, raising his voice.

"For gods sake, I was gonna ask Trix to marry me two weeks after the tour ended! I wanted you to be there! I had it all planned and everything." He raised his voice more, his voice breaking a bit.

"Do you want to let me down?"

"Do you want to let THEM down?" He points to the boys sitting on the bed.

"Please Max. Don't let us down." He cries.

Yoongi never cries in front of people, especially all of his friends, unless he absolutely breaks.

Everyone sits in silence, astonished.

"Yoongi.." I begin.

"I'll.. ask them to postpone the date for my leave? Would that be okay?"

"That.. i don't mind. I just really want you to be there." He sighs

"I'll talk to Justin." I hug Yoongi, patting his back.

Everyone stands up and gives me and Yoongi a hug.

•Five days later, two hours after the end of their concert at Madison Square Garden•

"Aye. Max. Wake your ass up." Namjoon says, shaking me.

"Your phone is ringing, kid." Jin says.

"He-hello?" I say sleepily.

"Great show tonight kiddo." I hear a familiar voice on the other side.

"Eh? Justin? Hey, it's 1AM, why are you calling?"

"Well, i need your answer before the morning so I can get back to all of your people and stuff, so." He says, snapping me back awake.

"Oh, shit right, uh, can we like postpone my leave date for a month after the tour ends?" I ask.

"Hell, if you wanted it to be three months after that'd be fine, however much time you need we're fine with." He replies.

"Thank god." I sigh out of relief to myself.

"Hey though, you need to set a reminder, your leave is going to be September 16th. Exactly one month after the tour ends." He replies.

"Got it. So then, my answer is yes." I nod.

"What?!!" Trix pops up from the backseat.

Everyone shushes them for a second.

"Okay. Talk to you soon. I'll call you a day before leave, have a good tour!"

"Thanks J. Bye."

I hang up the phone, and suddenly Trix begins climbing towards the front of the van, and begins staring me down once next to me.

"Excuse me? You're seriously doing it?" They say, giving me a death stare.

"A month after tour ends." I reassure them.

"Oh thank god." They sigh.

"So, what's our next tour date?" I ask.

"Uhhh, Baltimore, Maryland."

I freeze.

My hometown?

What? The? Hell?

My family hasn't seen me since I turned 18.

I'm 23.. Shit.

"That's.. my hometown." I shiver.

"Ohhhh shit! Max, does your family know?" Yoongi asks.

"I don't.. talk to them." I sigh.

"What arena are we going to?" I ask.

"Something called Royal Farms..?" Namjoon replies, a shiver coursing through my veins.

"End me, right now please." I say, pretending to faint into Namjoon's arms.

"Aisssh, there a problem?" Jin asks.

"My family always said if I got famous, and came to the Royal Farms Arena, they'd come see me. And, Well, I'm fucking screwed."

Once again, I am screwed.

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