Chapter 1

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As he studied the pages, James ran his fingers through his long dark brown hair. He was puzzled by what was in front of him. Ella stood beside him, seemingly puzzled as well. On the page there was a handwritten letter. It was written in a fine blue pen. The handwriting was neat and clear. James walked over to the computer.
He walked with a limp since the incident that occurred only two weeks before hand. He ran an unsteady hand over the stitches. He winced as he put pressure on it. The doctors had said the wound would take weeks to fully heal, but James was already sick of it. He wished he had never had the displeasure of meeting that girl. She had done more than wound his body. She'd wounded his heart. James still couldn't understand why she had done it. She had everything. Money, a nice house, a happy life and friends. James had been one of those friends. In fact, he was her best friend. He was even her boyfriend for a while, before she moved away.
He scanned the page onto the computer. He then analysed in detail the handwriting. It wasn't one he recognised. So that ruled out about 40 people. He then ran the handwriting against the fingerprints, handwriting and facial recognition database. This data base now held the  fingerprint, handwriting and a mugshot of every school goer in the country. It had become a law for this to be done. The database found a match. James beckoned Ella over and showed her who it was. She then ran his name to find out where he was.
They walked through the halls and found room 28. They quickly made sure they had their gun and their badge. James gave four taps on the door. There was a shout if 'come in', so they opened the door and walked in. The teacher in the class was delighted to see them. She beckoned them to the front of the room and started asking questions. She asked about wether they had a name for the task force yet, how their wounds were healing up and a few other things. When the teacher was done, she stepped out from behind her desk. She was short and had grey hair. She walked with them to the centre of the room, where they found a boy, chatting to his friend. He was taller than James and Greta and had black hair that was cut short at the back and sides but was long and messy at the top. He didn't seem to notice them standing there. James glanced at Greta who seemed to be thinking the same thing. They let him talk on for about ten minutes, in which time he mentioned having cigarettes and drugs in his bag. James smiled. He tapped the boy on his shoulder. The boy turned around and went pail. He jumped up and tried to run, but James had a gun pointed at him in one quick movement. It was a very painful move to do so quickly and James wanted to yell out in pain, but he didn't.
"Lee Higgins, you're under arrest for forgery, impersonation, the illegal possession of drugs and cigarettes, the intention to illegally sell cigarettes and finally, the evasion of police. You have to right to remain silent, anything you say, can and will be used against you in the court of law." James said, holding back a smile
"Screw you." He shouted, causing quite a stir in the class.
James handcuffed him and led him down the hall. It was a good feeling to arrest somebody. Almost satisfying. When he got to the front door, police dispatch were waiting, to take the boy away for interrogation. James handed him over to them. In the process, the boy managed to spit in his face. A police officer quickly turned him around and led him to the unmarked police car that was parked outside. James wiped his face and smiled to the officer. The officer smiled back and wished them well. James loved the amount of respect he received from adults now. It was like they saw him as one of their own.
James and Ella walked back in to the headquarters room in the school. When they reached it, James took out a can of coke, while Greta made a glass of water. They both made sandwiches, then sat down. While they were eating, Ms Ryan, James' year head came in. She thanked them for making the arrest and wished them look with their next case. James decided after she left that it was time they came up with a name for the new task force. They threw a few ideas around. None of them really meant anything to them though.
"What about, Green Republic." James suggested
"I like it."

Green RepublicOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora