Chapter 7

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The streets buzzed with excitement. People dressed in their county colours walked up and down the roads waiting for the gates to open. There was a lot of Black and Amber Killkenny jerseys and blue and Yellow Tipperary jerseys as well. The van drove up to the gates. The driver showed his ID card to the guard. He opened the gate and let the van through. Two black SUV's pulled in behind them. The van doors swung open and out stepped a small army of Green Republic agents. James Molly and Ella stepped out of one of the SUV's. Each of them was suited up and ready for a shootout. Even Molly wore bullet proof armour and carried a gun. The Obamas and Michael D Higgins stepped out of the second SUV. Mary had stayed at home to recover from the wound in her arm.
"Lieutenant Commander Conroy sir, we're ready to go in. The boys have surrounded the perimeter. We have 20 men waiting for your command to move in on the stadium sir." An agent said to James.
"Brilliant, move in now." James replied.
"Alright boys move in!" The agent shouted.
James, Ella and Molly walked over to the Obamas and Michael D. James looked up and saw three police helicopters overhead. He shouted over to an agent asking him to verify the helicopters. Michael D looked very excited and the Obamas seemed interested to find out what GAA actually was. As the six of them reached the door to the museum, where they would show the Obamas the history of GAA and explain how it worked, James noticed the wall of football clubs. He scanned along looking for the Kildare section of the wall. Once he found that he looked for the club that himself and Molly had played on as kids. Molly walked over and spotted it immediately, she had always been good at that kind of thing. They stared at it for amount remembering the cup finals they had won together. Molly was the only girl on the team. She was still the best though. She trained for hours every day until she was.
They took a guided tour through the museum. The guide explained everything in great detail for the Obamas. At the end of the tour the Obamas bought 4 Croke Park Experience caps, two for their children, two Gaelic footballs, four hurls and two sliotars (the ball you play hurling with, pronounced: sh-lit-er). After the museum they went on the stadium tour. The stadium tour ended in the dressing rooms. As soon as they left the dressing rooms the players arrived. They all stopped and greeted the Obamas and Michael D, before looking down curiously at the three fourteen year olds with handguns clipped on to their hips. After quickly explaining to them who they were, James and Molly started having a conversation with them about previous matches, which the Obamas were fascinated by. The players then had a laugh with them about American football. The Obamas couldn't understand their point of view, which was quite simple, the look like idiots in all that padding. After about half an hour of chatting to the players, James was radioed by on of his agents guarding the perimeter. The agent told him that all agents had reported back and have confirmed that there was no bomb in the area. Satisfied that they had done the job properly janes replied saying let everyone in but scan every face at the turnstiles to make sure Sarah didn't sneak in.
Two hours later the match was ready to start. The players were lined up along the red carpet. Ordinarily the players would just shake hands with the president of Ireland, but today they also got to shake the hands of the former U.S. president and his wife. After the players had all shaken hands with the three special guests, an announcement was made over the speakers. "Welcome Ladies and Gentlemen to the 2016 All-Ireland Hurling Final between Killkenny and Tipperary. The Liam McCarthy Cup will be presented to you all today by two kids who have been to hell and back twice over, and they are both still standing. Please welcome onto the field, Head of the new armed task force Green Republic James Conroy and his friend who has literally come back from the dead, Molly Crehan!!!!!" The crowd roared with excitement as James and Molly brought the trophy out onto the field. The national anthem started to play as the  trophy was placed onto the podium. After the national anthem the players ran into their positions and James, Molly, Michael D and the Obamas went to join Ella in the VIP Area.
At half time James Molly and Ella were called back onto the field. Barack and Michelle followed them but stayed at the sidelines. They were each given a microphone. The announcer came on again.
"Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome James Conroy, Ella Sardini and Molly Crehan. These three kids are all part of Green Republic. They are here to tell you about them and it." The announcer said causing a stir across the crowd. James started
"Hi everybody, I'm James and I'm the leader of Green Republic, an armed task force devoted to the prevention of juvenile crimes. At the moment we have an ongoing case. The person who bombed all those locations around Dublin, is Sarah Crehan. Yes, this is her sister. Now before I go any further, Sarah, if your up there, show yourself." There was a silence for a few seconds before James continued "Alright then. Anyway Ella is my second in command and we'll tell you about ourselves after Molly talks to you all."
"Hi, I'm Molly and I'm Sarah's sister. Myself and James grew up with Sarah. Sarah was taught how to hack, build and disable bombs, use firearms and do hand to hand combat, all before she was ten. She was taught so she could help the gardaí (police). When I was thirteen, I was supposedly shot dead in the regency hotel shooting. I was shot with three sedation bullets and by the time I woke up I had already been put in a prostitution centre. Sarah came to rescue me a year later, claiming that James here, was responsible. I believed her until I saw her try to kill former president of Ireland Mary MacAleese. She needs to be stopped, and I'm asking that if anyone sees the girl on the big screen up there, to come forward. Thank you for your time." Molly said. Ella spoke next.
"As much as I'd love to tell you about myself, we don't have the time, instead, Barack and Michelle can you come over please."
The Obamas came over looking shocked. James spoke this time
"We know how fascinated you are by the sport and we thought we'd get you a small gift."
Ella and Molly stepped forward carrying two wrapped presents each. They gave them the presents and stood back to let them open them. They unwrapped the first one. They each had a plaque with the presidential seal and the Green Republic logo on it. It had their name engraved on the bottom. The next one was a jersey. The jersey was blue, with a red lining. On the front was the GAA logo on the left and the Green Republic logo on the right. There was an American flag beside an Irish flag where the sponsor usually was. On the back were the numbers 08-16 with POTUS written on Barack's and FLOTUS written on Michelle's. The number and text was white. There were shorts too they were all white with three stripes on each side. The outer stripes were the same blue as the jersey and the inner one was red.
The Obamas were overjoyed by the gift. After exchanging hugs, the Obamas gave James a box that was about the same size as a shoebox. James unwrapped the gift and found a fake-leather lined box inside. If they were shoes they were very fancy ones. He noticed the letters SIG in the corner of the box. James had no idea what this meant. He opened the box and found a gun inside.
"SIG sauer p226 with torch light. It's got a green skin on it and the harp is printed on either side." Barack said.
"I don't no what to say!" James replied, amazed by the gift.
"We have one for you too Ella but we got you all something else. You open your gun Ella then we'll give Molly her gift. Now bear in mind Molly that we had short Tim to prepare for your gift Molly but we remembered how passionate you were about animal rights so we got you this." Molly was handed a small box. She opened it and inside she found a badge. It had GRAPA written on it.
"Green Republic Animal Protection Agency. It's the new sector of Green Republic that you will lead."
"Thank you so much!" Molly said.
"Now here's your last gift." Michelle said handing them her phone. She put it on speaker so they could all here.
"Hello" a female voice with an American accent said over the phone.
"Hello" they all said back.
"Hi, I'm Ellen, you might know me, I'm the host of the Ellen show.
"Omg yes." Ella said.
"So you know me then. I've heard about your story and I want you to come meet me here in LA. Would you do that."
"Yes!" They all shouted in sync.

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