Chapter 9

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The two days had gone by in a flash. There was another attack but they had dealt with it quickly. Sarah didn't seem to want to let them reveal her name on international television. But nevertheless they were ready to go onto the show and reveal her.
"Now my first guests today are 13 and 14 year olds who have come together to stop juvenile crime. Please welcome, all the way from Ireland, James, Ella and Molly." Ellen announced to her audience. There was loud cheers as they came out. Once they had sat down and said hello they could see how amazed the crowd was that they were crime fighting children.
"So, can one of you explain who you are." Ellen asked
"Well, my name is Ella and this is James and Molly. We are the leaders of an armed task force in Ireland that is devoted to dealing with juvenile crime."
"Wow, I mean, y'all are only 13/14. That's amazing. And you don't just stop at juvenile crime, I mean, since you've arrived here you've been attacked three times and you were so calm and collected. So, first in the airport, where a guy pretended he was sent to pick you up, then you had two attacks in your hotel. I can't say how deeply sorry I am."
"Ah it's fine. We dealt with them with the help of a soon to be member."
"I was just gonna ask about that. As it turns out, the green arrow is real, but it's a girl. It wasn't Molly or Ella though because they were on different floors at the time. So is the green arrows identity staying a secret or can we know."
"We talked it over yesterday and the green arrow is, drumroll please.................someone in the audience."
"Well they can come on down. If they want to shoot an arrow and zip line down or something."
"Can I really." Lilli said in a fake voice under her hood.
"Yeah, as long as you pay for the damage."
"Maybe not then."
"No maybe not. Come on down anyway." Lilli came down to the stage as requested. "Now you just stand there and could you guys join her." They joined her and there was a drumroll. "So who's the green arrow?"
Lilli took off the hood. "I am the green arrow." She said.
"Well who are you?"
"My name is Lilli."
"Well, hi Lilli."
"Anyway you can sit back down I want to talk about why these kids are my new best friends." They all sat down. "So you guys had just had the ordeal with the guy who pretended he was sent to pick you up, when my producer Andy came to get you. I didn't know what would happen to him so I made sure to send a camera crew with him. So when he got there y'all seemed to look at each other, knowing who he was, then you did this." She showed the video of what had happened. When it was over Ellen laughed and turned back around to the four kids.
"You kids are my favourite. But all joking aside, tell me about this Sarah girl and how she's been effecting your lives for the past year or two."
"Sarah Crehan is my twin sister. At the age of three we were in a car crash that killed our parents. We were both fostered within a week. I went to a vegan family and Sarah..."
"Are you okay? Do you need a minute?"
"No. Sarah went to Mary MacAleese. She was president of Ireland at the time."
"Why was she fostered to the president?"
"She was to become a secret service agent. They taught her everything that MI5 or the FBI teach to adults. Myself and James grew up together, when we turned 9 Sarah and I were moved into A new foster home, together this time. After I was supposedly killed, Sarah and James became even better friends."
"Okay, so when did it all begin, the war with Sarah."
James spoke this time.
"Well, Sarah became quite friendly with Ella. They only spoke through texts and Sarah refused to send pictures of herself. One day she forced me to find pictures of someone else that she could say was herself. Ella found out and got really upset with me and rightly so. I realised that Sarah had crossed the line and I confronted her. After that she tried to kill me on my school bus. She ended up killing a guy who I used to sit beside. After that myself and Ella were appointed head of Green Republic.during the inauguration ceremony she attacked us and shot everyone in my group of friends. I managed to shoot her and I thought she died, but obviously not. Since then she has circled Dublin City in what she calls, the ring of rubble. She's bombed every tourist attraction in that circle except Croke Park."
"Wow, it's a truly amazing story to tell. You've been attacked by her army so many times and you're still standing on two feet. Now I have a present for each of you. I'll start lilli. We know you like archery so wouldn't it be better if you had a world class bow. We got you a top of the range Ellen compound bow. It's features include a button that when pressed, releases blades at the top for close combat, aircraft aluminium so it won't be breaking any time soon and arrows for all occasions. There's regular, flaming, explosive and confetti arrows."
"Thank you so much."
"Now Molly and James we heard you're both big football and soccer fans. Tell everyone who you support."
"I support Sheffield Wednesday and the LA Chargers."
"I support Sheffield Wednesday and the NY Jets."
"Well I heard that Sheffield Wednesday are in the playoffs so your both gonna go see them play in every playoff match they're in. On one condition. You have to wear my Ellen Sheffield Wednesday hoodie."
"And lilli you can go too"
"Oh and also, y'all are going to be my ambassadors at the NY Jets @ LA Chargers game. You'll interview players and have pitch side access. That sound good to you."
"Amazing!" James and Molly replied in sync.
"Great, now Ella we heard you like art, in particular clay making or whatever it's called. So we're gonna give you a lifetime supply of clay that you can use."
"Omg thank you!"
"Your very welcome. Thanks for being here and I'll be inviting you back after the jets chargers game to here all about it and all about how you took down Sarah because I truly believe that you can do it and I think everyone does. Actually I'll be inviting you back before that because I'm also inviting you back when you beat Sarah so I'll see you in a few weeks at most."
With that the kids walked off the stage.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2017 ⏰

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