Chapter 5

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"How are you alive, that's impossible." Ella said, confused as all hell as to what had just happened.
"I survived, but James sold me to slavery." Molly said with an utter distaste
"Wait what!!! I did no such thing." James retaliated, heartbroken by the accusation.
"Yes you did, Sarah told me."
"Did Sarah tell you that she's also the No. 1 most wanted person in Europe." James said, his anger growing
"Yeah, as if."
"She is, and I'm now supposed to be stopping her. I'm part of Green Republic, an armed task force devoted to stopping crimes committed by people under the age of 18." James told her
"Bullshit James" Molly spat
"Look, here's my badge." James said, holding it up to show her.
"Ugh, while you fight with her I'm gonna take charge." Ella said lifting her gun to face josh.
"Josh Reilly, you are under arrest....for treason.... You have the right to remain silent, anything you say, can and will be used against you, in the court of law." Ella said, sobbing.
"I think not." Sarah said pointing her gun at Ella.
"Don't you dare." James shouted, now pointing his gun at Sarah. Molly then pointed at James.
James lunged at Sarah, taking  her down and pinning her there. Josh took the moment of confusion to draw his gun, but Ella put two rounds in his chest and he fell to the floor, dead. Ella burst into tears. She had just killed her boyfriend.
When James looked up, he found a teary eyed Molly looking at him.
"She killed him. That's murder! She'll go to jail." Molly cried.
"I told you, we are an armed task force that specialises in youth crimes. She's not a murderer."
"SHE IS!! Don't listen to him." Sarah shouted.
"I used to trust you James. Why have you become a criminal. What's all this for?"
"Molly, I'm not a criminal, Ella is not a murderer. I can prove that, but you have to give me a minute." James said, looking deeply into her green eyes, hoping she'd give him this chance.
"Fine, one minute. If you haven't proved to me, that you're not a criminal, you can burn in hell."
"Fine!" James shouted. He took out his phone and dialled a number. The person he was calling picked up immediately.
"Hello." The person on the other end said.
"Hi Mary, it's James, can you get here quick." James asked her.
"Two minutes, James, I'm just down the road. Everything okay."
"Yeah, I just need you to help me prove something. It would help if you could bring the other three as well."
"No problem they're with me now."
"You're a star, thanks so much."
"Anything for you James. Bye."
James put his phone back in his pocket. He looked up at Molly.
"Can I have an extra minute?"  He pleaded
"Fine. I'm dying to meet this 'Mary'." Molly replied.
"You will, along with her three main associates."
"And who might they be?"
"You'll see." James said, as a black Range Rover pulled up.
"Oh look, James' Mafia showed up." Sarah spat.
"Mafia?!?" Said Molly alarmed.
"No, my boss." James said to her.
Out stepped Mary, Micheal, Barack and Michelle.
"Yes Molly, that's me."
"Is James a criminal." Molly asked
"No, Molly, he's a hero."
Sarah butted in, "well hello Mary, I don't believe I've had the displeasure since I left you all those years ago. How've you been" she said with a wicked smile.
"I raised you to save lives Sarah, not take them."
"That was before I realised that James was a disloyal bastard. Anyone that calls him a hero deserves to die, so goodbye Mary."
"NO!" James screamed lunging towards Sarah. He knocked the gun off course but it went off, hitting Mary in the shoulder. She fell back in pain.
Ella had her gun pointed at Sarah in a second. James then got to his feet and took out a pair of handcuffs.
"Sarah Crehan, you are under arrest for the murder of Jack Abraham and the bombing of Maynooth University. You have the right to remain silent, anything you say, can and will be used against you in the court of law."
When he finished putting the handcuffs on Sarah's wrists he turned to Molly.
"Molly Crehan, you are under arrest as an accessory to a terrorist attack. You have the right to remain silent, anything you say, can and will be used against you in the court of law." He's handcuffed Molly and let her towards the car. He felt awful. For a whole year he thought she was dead, now he was arresting her for helping Sarah. He knew she would not be sentenced to anything more than 6 months in juvenile prison, but it still felt wrong.
As James reached the car he heard Ella scream. He turned to see her with deep gash on her forehead. Sarah was running back towards the rubble.
"Welcome to the beginning of the biggest war in Ireland since 1916 James. I hope you enjoy it."

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