Chapter 8

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The match had ended 2-13 to Tipperary and 3-11to Kilkenny. Kilkenny had won the game by a last minute point. Two days later and the three kids along with the Obamas, Mary and Michael D, were in the airport headed for LA. James had security clearance to bring his new gun with him to LA. After getting through security, they found their gate. They had gotten there in plenty of time so they had time to browse the airport shop. The Obamas were asked for autographs and selfies a good few times but a little boy came over to James and Ella who were buying chocolates and mints for the plane.
"Can I have your autographs please." The boy asked
"Us! Why?" James replied, stunned that he even recognised them.
"You're both heroes. You both saved the day whenever that mean girl Sarah comes. You were at Croke park talking about it." The little boy told them
"We were indeed. We haven't stopped Sarah yet though." Ella said to him.
"But you will. I know you can." At this point the boys mother cam over.
"I'm sorry, is he bothering you." She asked
"No not at all, he's fine." Ella replied
"You both look very familiar. Was it you two that were on the news a few days ago. You're like police officers but you're kids." The boy's mother questioned
"That's us." James answered
"Well can I just say well done. It takes a lot to do what you both do and you both do it brilliantly."
"Thank you so much" the boy was getting bored already and begged for the autograph. James and Ella signed his T-Shirt and he was on his way.
The flight was a long flight so James slept through most of it. The flight took 12 hours. When they got to LA Ella woke up James and Molly. As they got off the plane they heard a shout.
"James, Ella, Molly, Michael, Mary, Barack and Michelle. I'm here to bring you to your hotel." A man said
"That's great! Let's get going" Michelle said
"Hold on. I want proof." James said.
"Okay here's your proof." The man said. He drew a gun but was on the ground dead before he had a chance to shoot.
"Well, that's one less problem to deal with." Ella said, putting her gun back in her holster. Everyone stared open mouthed at her. "What, he drew on us." She smiled.
Another car pulled up. Ella and James and Molly drew their guns. A man stepped out with his hands up. It was a man they recognised from the show. It was the executive producer called Andy who Ellen humiliated every now and then. He didn't mind though. James glanced over at Molly and Ella. They were thinking the same thing.
"Stop where you are!" James shouted.
"Please, I've just come to take you to your hotel." Andy shouted back
"So did that last guy." Molly shouted, signalling to the man Ella had shot dead moments earlier.
"Oh, um, okay. He clearly wasn't who you were expecting to see then. Can I please take you to your hotel now."
"Not until we can ID you as the person sent to collect us." James told him
"Okay I have my ID card in my coat pocket here." He reached down to get it.
"Keep your hands in the air!' Ella screamed.
"O...O...Okay" he mumbled as James took his ID card.
"Once we've checked this we can go." James said
"Okay. I'll um, just, wait here." Andy said. A few minutes went by before Molly stepped forward
"Sorry, but the ID doesn't check out. James, Ella, ready."
"Aim" Molly said.
"No please, I swear, I work for Ellen"
Two rounds fired. Ella, James and Molly burst out laughing. They let Andy stand and they got into the cars sent for them. It took two minutes to get ready to go. Once they were ready they headed off for the hotel. It was a luxurious 5-star hotel close to Hollywood. It was late so they got changed and went down to the restaurant. The restaurant was fancy so they dressed in the best clothes they had. They had thought to wear them on the show in two days time but they had been asked to wear their task-force armour. James, Ella and Molly were sharing a room. Ella had gone into the bathroom to get changed but Molly and James just got changed together. Molly glanced over at James and saw that he was looking at her
"You gonna keep staring perv?" she asked
"If you don't mind." He laughed
"Come on James, we can't do this again. I love you but I can't do this again. Anyways, you have every girl in school after you, pick one of them."
"Maybe I do, but before I held a gun on that bus I was nobody, there was very few other girls who were after me then."
"You speak to her during lunch sometimes and if you're in tech graph you're talking to her."
"Cut the crap James. You know you like her, and she likes you. Ask her out."
"Well she's not here is she."
"Actually..." Molly said walking over to the door "she is" The door opened and in stepped lilli.
"Hi James." She said.
"Molly this is a mistake. Why did you bring her here."
"We had an extra ticket. I thought you needed a distraction."
"You're putting her life in danger!"
"Actually, I think we found ourselves the real life green arrow."
"What do you mean."
"I've seen her, she's amazing. She does speed archery better than I ever could. It's typical, I go for a year and everyone is better than me."
"Fine, she'll have to prove herself now though because I just saw three armed men entering through the lobby. Security cameras were the greatest invention ever." Anyway, let's go green arrow."
The men split up to look for them. James and lilli went together. Molly and Ella split up. Molly met the first on the third floor hallway. She had him dead before he even saw her. It was the same story with Ella on the eighth floor.
On the fifth floor James and lilli met the last. A TV camera was trailing behind them. When they saw him James darted behind a wall. He fired a shot at him but obviously didn't take lilli as a serious threat. By the time he realised she was he had an arrow in his head.
"Nice work."
"Thanks, didn't do too bad yourself, I mean that was some expert cowardliness right there." She smiled.
"Come on, let's just go get ready for dinner.

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