Chapter 2

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There was a knock at the door. Ella  walked over to open it. When she opened it, she smiled. It was Matthew, Ali, Cara, Josh and Rebecca. The bell had gone for lunch just minutes before. Usually at lunch time, they would all meet in the canteen for lunch, but James was busy and Ella felt it was unfair to leave him there on his own. She had gone for a minute to deliver the message to their friends, who bought their lunches then came to the h.q. James turned around and saw them, he smiled at them, but just went back to work, taking a quick bite of his sandwich. They frowned. James was clearly in a bad mood. He was scrolling threw what looked to be an email. Ali started to walk over but James closed down the email. When Ali returned to the seat she had been at, James reopened the email.
Ellawalked over and read the email. She glanced down at James, who nodded to her. He clearly new what she was thinking. She walked over to another computer, typed in something, then hit enter. A map came up on the screen with a loading bar at the bottom. All of sudden, a red x came up on the screen. Beside it, read, 'you didn't think I'd let you do that did you'. Ella took a step back. It couldn't be. It was impossible. Ella called James over. His face went as white as snow. James ran out of the room, Ella in tow. When they were well out of site, Ali walked over to the email. She glanced through it combing to the signature at the bottom. Sarah. Suddenly there was a huge bang. They all glanced out the window. The college next door was falling to the ground in a ball of fire and smoke.
Ella and James ran back into the room, putting on bulletproof vests, and stocking up with handgun and machine gun ammo. They heard the door close and lock. James turned quickly thinking it was Sarah. It was Josh.
"What are you doing!" James screamed at him.
"Let us help!"
"I think not, now move or you'll have more bullet holes in you."
"You wouldn't dare."
"Ugh, move!"
"Then let us help."
"Fine, but when you die, it'll be your fault."
James gave them all bullet proof vests, and handguns. He refused to give the machine guns, telling them they'd need practice to use them. Ella took a sniper rifle and ran to the roof of the school. James led his five friends and three other members of the newly named task force towards the rubble of the college. James stepped forward. The three adults and him formed a diamond formation. His five friends stood in the middle of the diamond.
"Come on out Sarah, let's end this." James shouted out.
A figure appeared behind the ashes. James knew this was Sarah. She was medium height and had long wavy hair. When she stepped out, James could see that her strawberry blonde hair, had been coated black by the ash. Although her hair was full of ash, her face was clean of it, and her skin was as pail as every Irish person. She walked confidently across the rubble. How could she have lived. James had hit her square in the chest. She couldn't have survived it.
"How'd you do it Sarah. Nobody could have survived that bullet without having a bulletproof vest on, which you didn't. So tell us, how the hell did you survive." James asked angrily
"There's things people don't know about this world James. Things all governments  kept secret for centuries. Would you like a taste test." Sarah said to him,Cher evil smile widening.
"No thanks, I want an explanation."
"Magic James. Magic is how I survived."
"You expect me to believe that."
"Believe what you want James, it's over for you!"
"What do hope to accomplish with all of this Sarah. What's the point."
"The point is, I want revenge. I want you dead. I want anyone, that ever associated with you dead."
"And all for what Sarah. Is revenge really the answer."
"As far as I'm concerned, yes. I'll give you twenty four hours. Meet me back at this spot with Ella. It all goes down then."
"Why would I show up knowing my odds."
"Because, somebody wants to speak with you."
"You'll see. Now, you and Ella, 01800, right here."
"No, just me."
"I think not. Both of you, or else."
"Or else what."
"You don't get to find out the traitor in your group."
"What! Is that who you want me to talk to."
"There's someone else as well. Now be there, or your group of friends collapses. You'll be left with only Ella, who will die soon."
"What. How?"
But sarah had stepped back into the cloud of ash. James could still see her silhouette. He lifted his gun and took aim. He never got the chance to shoot. A miniature explosive went off, knocking James' small body backwards. By the time James had regained his footing, Sarah had disappeared. James glanced around at his friends. All of them stunned by what they had seen. James now knew that one of these was a traitor. Sarah could have lied, but James could sense it in her evil voice that she hadn't.

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