Deleted Scene

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Hey. My name is Parker Williams and I go to Goode high school. I'm the most popular jock there. I am captain of every team except the swimming team. That's Percy Jacksons job. Well I did try out for the swim team, I just didn't make captain so I quit.

Okay enough about sports, more about AWESOME me. I have shortish blonde hair and blue-green eyes that gets every girl to swoon. In my opinion male is the superior gender. We work hard while women should cook and clean and serve us. (*dies of hate*) (is it okay if I stab him?)

Now it's time to go to P.E.

-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-Time Skip-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-


Thank god!! Time to go to lunch to ask out my future girlfriend, Annabeth Chase. If we were to get married I would be the working man and Annabeth would be the lovely stay at home Mom who would be the men's servant and cook for us.

Ooh there she is now I've gotta make my move.


Deleted Scene


Couldn't finish this hated that OC too much 

No not the end of the book just wanted to give you a sneak peek at what the deleted Scenes would look like but most of them will be finished.

I already have several 

Anyways thanks for reading this book

Gonna update later, I think??



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