Selene Night

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Thanks so much@Nicoismybrother so much for the character idea

And this Chapter starts... NOW!

I wake up to the very annoying sound of my alarm ringing. Tuesday... YES! My favorite day! Sapphire, Something Scary, on Snarled posts today! (Real person, real channel go check them out.) But I have to go to school still, Ugh. I roll out from beneath my sheets and fall on the floor by my bed. I stumble over to my closet, still half asleep. I pick out a silver tank top with a skeleton on it, black ripped jeans and combat boots. As for Jewlry I pick out my usual necklace with a skeleton on it.I put my long black hair into a pony tail and slip in some contacts to my dark brown eyes.  And, I almost forgot, the black iron ring my mom gave me for my 12th birthday last weekend. 

I grabbed my bag, slipped on my black leather jacket and catch the bus to school


I get all my books out of my locker and take them to my classes. The day goes by like normal, and finally the release bell rings. Me and my friend Michelle walk out of the doors to the pick up line. She almost immediately saw her brother and ran off to the car, leaving me by myself. A strange van with letters I can barley read showed up. I made out only one word, Delphi. It's a fairly small school and I'd never seen that van before but I didn't give it a second thought. 

I had been waiting for about 5 minutes until I felt a cold had over my mouth and a someone's arm wrap around my stomach, pulling me away from the school. Since, everyone had already gone, no one could help me. I tried to scream dispite the hand forcing my mouth shut. I go with my gut, guessing this guy was a boy, swung my leg back and hit him where the sun doesn't shine. He yelped in surprise and in his moment of a shock, I bit his hand. Hard. Well I admit it wasn't the best move, but it worked. He let go of me and I fell onto the ground. Before I could react someone was pinning me down to the ground. Again, I went with my instinct and went limp. The person lifted their knee slightly from my chest. In these milliseconds, all my strength I pushed up. He didn't budge. I starting flailing and screaming, hoping to get someone's attention. That was a dumb move, he was able to grab my arm and pull me over to the strange van. This is it, I thought. This is the end. I was going to get kidnapped and murdered. I'm the encounter with the man I never got a good look at his face. Surprising. As soon as I was in the back of the van I blacked out.


When I woke up it was dark outside, I guessed around 10. The van stopped and two people got out. I'm about to be murdered. I'm about to be murdered. I heard the door to the back slide open. I quickly closed my eyes and steadied my breathing. A hand pulled my arm, In an attempt to wake me up. I stayed still. The person pulled me again and I made the split second decision to pretend to just wake up. I open my eyes to find a boy around 14 with dark brown eyes and black hair. He also wore black ripped jeans. I was questioning so much in this moment I just started to cry. "KILL ME," I screamed. "JUST KILL ME NOW. GET IT OVER WITH." The boy frowned and I took this moment to jump tackle him I pinned to the ground the same way he had pinned me. He tried to push up but I wasn't letting go. My nails sank into his shoulder. Since I didn't let go, this gave him the oppertunity to grab my wait and reverse the positions. Great. I was gonna die. I blew my one chance. Iimagined how psycho I look. Black eyeliner smeared down my face, he ponytail a wreck. I was ready to give up. I could accept my death here. But suddenly the guy gets up, and offers his hand to help me. I got up by myself.  "Come on," he tells me as he walks over to a big wooden doorframe without a door as he walked through I noticed a faint blue light by the big tree that stood beside the frame. Noticing that the frame said something that I couldn't make out, I waited there for a minute in attempt to decipher what it said. No luck. I finally walk through the doorway. I yelped in surprise as I saw what I assumed to be cabins, and a big house a ways away. The boy started walking in the direction of the house. I had no choice but to follow. When we finally reached the house we walked in to a living room type area with a leopard head stuck to the wall. Odd decor but I was too afraid to question it. I got nervous and turned the iron ring on my finger. I yelped as the ring got heavier and turned into a full on sword in my hand. This would have been helpful earlier, I thought as the metal crashed into the floor. The boy whipped his head around to see what was happening. He raised his eyebrow and asked where the sword came from. "My ring," I said as though it would've been obvious. He rolled his eyes as we sat on the couch, apperentally eating for someone

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