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No one's POV

In the morning, Lisa sleeps gorgeously. The sun-rays don't bother her. No matter how many occasions the maids have tried to wake her up, she is not going to budge at all. 

Her childhood friend, Taehyung, is the only one who might do that. 

Heavily sighed in disappointment, Taehyung gestured to the maids to go. He approached her as he was sitting on the edge of the bed, "Lisa, wake up and it's already morning." 

He then used his trick to surprise her with his husky voice on her sensitive ear, making her get up in a hurry and turned angrily, "YAH! Who gave you permission to ruin my sleep?" 

Taehyung chuckled amusingly, "I did, why? Hurry up or you'll be late. Also, be good to your parents, you rascal."

She rolled her eyes on him, tired of his nags and went to the bathroom to do her morning routine. 

Mrs. Manoban saw Taehyung putting on his shoes after waking up Lisa and grinned softly, "Oh, you're leaving already?" 

Taehyung stood up and bowed respectfully, "Yeah, my members are waiting for me. I'm sorry that I can't bring her home anymore because of my tight schedules." 

Mrs. Manoban shook her head as though it wasn't a huge deal, "It's nothing. I'm grateful for all you've done, Taehyung." 

Lisa ended her daily routine and went for a business breakfast at the dining table.

Mr. Manoban came after with a newspaper and sat down in the middle while Lisa and Mrs. Manoban sat on both sides, "Lisa, I hope you'll act better this time. Quit exploiting us with your dumbness or you'll be a negative influence on our business." 

Mrs. Manoban accepted, "That's right, Lisa. Your father and I will be-" 

Her action had interrupted her mother - Lisa got up as she finished her breakfast, tired of hearing them barking. As she was about to leave, her father warned her, "If you don't listen, I'll send you to study abroad."

Lisa interrupted her walk to the front door and jerked in shock at his abrupt decision, clenching her two fists, "I wonder if I was born to be controlled like this. I wouldn't mind killing myself for you two." 

Both of them broadened their eyes at her comments when they were about to say something, but Lisa staggered violently out of the house after shutting the door, shocking her father, "You didn't have to go that far, dear." 

Mr. Manoban sets down the newspaper and sighed, "I had to or else, she won't know her place." 

Lisa, on the other side, was walking to school without a company. 

She started to have negative thoughts, and did not pay attention to her environment. There's a vehicle driving up to her and all the students were crying in terror and others were calling her frantically but it was no good. A lot of times the car honked at her. 

A boy pulled Lisa back towards his torso, with his arm placed around her waist. 

"Are you insane?! Are you planning to kill yourself?!"  

She returned to reality. 

Jungkook turned her back and had been taken off  balance to see her tears streaming. After his sayings she pushed him away and dashed off, "I don't need to hear those from you, jerk!"

Jungkook was shockingly gushing. 

"Is that her way of saying thank you?" He mumbled and went in exhausted inside the school as his members chased after him.  

"Yah, I heard you were almost hit by a car?" Yoojung asked curiously, as she focused on the guys in the hallway.  

Lisa rolled her eyes and uninterestedly nodded her head, "Yeah, because of them." 

Yoojung smirked and chuckled softly, "Again? I guess they're not going to let you off that easily."  

Lisa screamed how ridiculous her parents are and stopped by on her locker, "No way I'm going to enjoy my life. I'd like to rot in hell." 

Yoojung shockedly gasped, "Yah? You're scaring me. Stop it." 

They finally laughed.

They were both startled by those girls' sudden noises, making Lisa heavy a harsh sigh, knowing it's them, as Yoojung became a fangirl mode. Taehyung saw her before Lisa went inside and ran toward her, "Sup, bad girl? You look down." 

All the girls suddenly changed their expressions into jealousy. Lisa did not care, as she sighed harshly and gently pushed him away, "Back off, please?"

Taehyung gave up, not wanting to go overboard. The members giggled at her reply except Jungkook who was smirking and couldn't overlook what had happened before. Then Lisa went into the classroom, weary of everyone. 

She wanted to abandon everything and her parents behind.  

I wonder if this is going to be an opportunity to do that.  

Little did she notice, Jungkook sat quietly next to her, "O-Oppa, there you can't sit." 

Lisa reopened her eyes because of his cologne, realising who it was. She turned back and again found him displaying no feelings. In the meantime, Jungkook smiled coolly at her as he posed her a question, "Do you mind if I'm sitting here?"

Lisa frowned at him, "Didn't you hear them? Go away." 

Jungkook giggled amusingly, "Sorry, I'm sitting here." 

One of the Queenkas confronted them, "Hey kid, if you don't want to sit with Jungkook, why don't you sit anywhere else?" 

Lisa then gradually lifted her head, "Hey whore, don't you see I don't like to have you around? Please put yourself out of sight."  

When Lisa got up from her seat, Jungkook grabbed her wrist and she flinched at his firm grip, "Stay sit." 

All the girls were whining and sulking at his abrupt action, "This girl is my priority now so I'm asking you to be considerate." 

Jungkook grinned evilly as if he was threatening them. The members were  stunned to see him behaving like that though Yoojung came out jealously.  

Lisa had her eyes widened to hear from him.


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