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Yoojung's POV

I wonder what was taking Lisa so long. 

I didn't notice Mr. and Mrs. Manoban had been staring at me so I stopped eating and look at them smiling awkwardly, "Um, is there something wrong?" 

They both looked at each other and turned back to me while Mrs. Manoban gestured me to come closer, "We were worried about you, that's all."

Mr. Manoban asked with a smile on his face, reassuring Yoojung to talk to them, "How do you like living here with us? Don't you miss your parents?"

Yoojung: "It's fun to live here with all of you but my parents never attention to me much."

I do miss them a lot.

Mrs. Manoban: "I understand you, Yoojung. It happened to Lisa as well, but she withstood it so both of us were surprised."

Yoojung: "Hehe, that's so like her. I'm happy for her because every time she talked about you two, she gets sad. Now, she isn't sad anymore."

Mr. Manoban: "But, for us as well, we want you to be happy too. If there's something bothering you, you can always talk to one of us for a parental support."

Yoojung gasped shockingly and smiled weakly, "Thank you. I'm totally fine. I'm not affected by it much but, I just missed their existences. I sometimes wonder how they are doing at home or their company. Is it going well? Are they taking care of themselves? I'm more worried about their health than myself. I can't really seem to hate them because they're my parents."

Mrs. Manoban giggled happily, "You're a strong girl, Yoojung. Of course, they're doing well at company. However, I am also aware of their health if they keep up with the amount of their times they are having at work because it's getting busier nowadays."

Yoojung then became worried, "Really? That isn't good then." 

Mr. Manoban: "Why don't you visit them once? Then, if it's still the same, you can live with us permanently. We can also buy you a condo if you wish to live alone, which is something you would have to make a decision for."

"I will visit them once. Thank you for your concern, but I can do it on my own."

Mrs. Manoban: "I'm sorry, but we want to give you time as if we're your parents. We don't want you to feel left out whenever we talk with Lisa."

I was surprised to think that Lisa's parents is really considering me as their daughter, not by blood related, which had me smile nonstop.

Mrs. Manoban: "How are your midterms? Did the results came out already?"

Yoojung: "They are all good. I came first place in all subjects. But, if only Lisa was doing midterms on that day, she would've come first and I'd be in second."

Mr. Manoban: "Well, congratulations. You beat our daughter. What do you plan after high school? Have you thought of what you want to be?"

Yoojung: "Um, I have thought about it, but I wasn't sure if they would suit me. I want to become a model, stylist, or fashion designer."

Mrs. Manoban nodded her head, "Those are the good ones. Why wouldn't they suit on you? Of course, they will. You have a good sense of fashion. I'm sure your parents will be glad for you to have a future dream."

Yoojung: "I hope so. I cannot wait-"

A phone call rings on my phone, which had them startled and I knew it was going to be that guy. I looked up at them and they were smirking teasingly, "Excuse me."

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