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No's one POV

Lisa came home really late last night.

She couldn't forget what Taehyung and Jungkook talked about. Once she arrived home, there was a serious conversation between Mr. Manoban and Lisa without argument, not wanting to wake up everyone.

However, both of them didn't know Mr. Park was hiding somewhere.

Lisa woke up in the morning and did her morning routine. She was spacing out again after what happened last night with her father. 


Mr. Manoban saw her looking devastated, "Took you so long, Lisa."

Lisa was startled as she looked at the side, "Oh, dad? Why aren't you sleeping yet?"

"I was waiting for you. We need to talk."

Lisa went to the couch facing him nervously and feeling bad for staying out late, "What is it?"

"You went out to see that boy, right?"

"O-Oh, yeah..."

"Why do you look so sad?"

Lisa shook her head and smiled weakly, "No. What is it, dad?"

"Have you made your final decision yet? I won't force you so just tell me what exactly are you feeling."

"It's still the same, dad. I'm going to study abroad in one condition."

"What is it?"

Lisa hesitated at first and gave her answer, "I want to go abroad with Mr. Park. I don't want to go alone so I need an accompany with me." 

Mr. Manoban tilted his head confusingly on what made her changed her mind, "Are you sure that's what you really want?" 

He was surprised to see her smiling as if she has forgotten about Jungkook so he cleared his throat. Mr. Manoban stood up from the couch and made his way to his room, making Lisa confused.

Lisa, what exactly happened when you meet up with Jungkook? You suddenly changed. I wanted you to be happy, but you chose the path I didn't want you to make in the end.

End of Flashbacks

Yoojung was startled to witness Lisa standing in the bathroom, which had her thought she had seen a ghost, "Aish, you scared me. What are you doing there?" 

Lisa came back to her sense and returned to her morning routine. 

Afterwards, they went to dining table downstairs for breakfast with excitement as Lisa couldn't wait to experience lots of things.

Mr. Manoban and Lisa made an eye contact and smiled at each other. He stood up after finishing his breakfast, "Your tickets are on the table at the living room. Have a safe flight."

He gave a kiss on her forehead and bid a goodbye silently, on his way to work.

Mrs. Manoban: "W-Wait, dear? Aren't you going to see her off?"

Mr. Manoban: "There are many things to do at company. I'll be sending Mr. Park with Lisa to abroad so he'll be updating me about Lisa. I'm leaving." 

Mrs. Manoban sighed harshly, "He's so cold as usual. I'm sorry, love. I'll talk to him later-"

Lisa: "Let him be. I'm okay with it. Both of us talked last night. I'll just leave silently since it'll be hard for me to leave if everyone were to come to see me off."

Yoojung: "Then we'll be happy to do that so you won't leave."

The three of them then laughed happily and were enjoying their last moments. Meanwhile, Mr. Manoban was outside watching them secretly without getting caught.

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