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Yoojung's POV

I was wondering what took Lisa long, making me left the room to eavesdrop as I was very curious. Surprisingly, I found her sitting on the floor while leaning on her mother's door in tears. 

D-did something happen to them? 

I immediately rushed to her side and brought her with me back to the room. 

I comforted her quietly when we sat down on the bed, "Did something happen?" 

Lisa shook her head as she wiped her tears with a weak smile, "No, nothing happened." 

I frowned at her, "Don't lie, you rascal. You were crying earlier." 

She then dazed at my question so I sighed harshly, not wanting her to overthink, "We should go to sleep." 

Lisa came back to reality and felt guilty for not telling me, "I'm sorry. I'll tell you next time." 

I smiled and pinched her cheeks gently, "You better. Good night." 

We both went to sleep.

Lisa's Parents POV

Mr. Manoban came back home after dealing the issues with Yoojung's parents. He fought them for kicking out Yoojung. Mr. Manoban then stopped by Lisa's room as he opened the door slowly and watched Lisa and Yoojung sleeping peacefully. 

He then closed the door quietly and went to his room, where Mrs. Manoban is, "Did you cry again?" Mr. Manoban asked worriedly while taking out his necktie.

Mrs. Manoban smiled weakly, "Oh, yeah. I just couldn't forget our son."

His mouth gaped out in sadness, "Honey, you need to move on. It's not only him who's gone, we still have Lisa with us."

Mrs. Manoban gulped nervously, "I know. But, what if he wasn't dead?"

Mr. Manoban sighed harshly, "The police couldn't find him-" 

"I'm still confused how Lisa knew his name."

Mr. Manoban then remembered last night, "Me too. I'm surprised."

They both sighed harshly at the same time and went to sleep together.

- Morning -

No one's POV

Lisa and Yoojung woke up in the morning and did their morning routines as they went downstairs for breakfast, "I'll wait for you in the living room so enjoy your breakfast." 

Lisa furrowed her eyebrows and pulled her towards the dining table, "You're eating with us."

They began eating breakfast before they could go somewhere. Mr. Manoban asked curiously, "What are your plans for today?" 

Lisa and Yoojung took a glance at each other, "We are going to shopping to buy clothes for Yoojung."

Yoojung was flustered as she talked nervously, "A-Ah, yeah. I'll be using my money though." 

Mr. Manoban smiled weakly as he mentioned her parents, "I don't think you can because they probably suspended your cards. However, you can borrow my card."

Lisa stood up happily and took the card from his hand, "Thank you, dad. We'll leave, bye!" 

Yoojung gasped shockingly as she was grabbed by Lisa, "Y-Yah, aren't you being rude?" She turned back around and bowed to them politely, making them giggled at her cuteness. 

 As soon as they got in the car, Lisa began driving and Yoojung turned on the music loudly, enjoying their fun. When they arrived at the mall, they hear bunch of noises from behind as if they were seeing a celebrity, "Yoojung? Lisa?" 

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