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No one's POV

Lisa finished her morning routine and ready for her breakfast. She ate as if it was only her on the dining table excluding her parents' existence. As she got up to put her dishes away, Mr. Manoban spoke up finally, "Sit down." 

Lisa didn't obey, knowing he's going to nag. 

"You have two weeks left until you go study abroad." 

She stopped her track, "I cancelled it." 

Mrs. Manoban stood up shockingly and gave her a gentle slap not wanting to leave a mark, "Why are you like this, Lisa? What did we do so wrong?" 

Mr. Manoban gave her a poker face, "You have no choice. You're studying abroad in 2 weeks. Let's go, honey. We're going to be late if we waste our time on her."

They left her behind.

Lisa was soaked up with her feelings. She couldn't hold back her tears any longer. 

Just what wrongs have I done to them? 

Then her eyes eventually went to a knife, which had her took it and cut herself to relieve all the pains she was having.

It bled a little as she winced in pain.

This isn't bad.

Yoojung arrived to school to talk with the Queenkas. 

"Look who's here?" Dahee and Jiyeon giggled happily while Yoojung looked at them, "I'm not doing it. Look for someone else." 

They laughed evilly, "Don't worry. It will come to you naturally." 

Yoojung bit her lips as she couldn't do anything to make them give up. 

Yoojung went to her locker and saw Lisa coming to her locker, "H-Hey, Lisa-" 

She was interrupted when Lisa opened her locker in front of her. It irritates her to see her attitude, "Can't you see I'm talking to you?"

Yoojung raised her tone a bit, gathering some attentions while Lisa winced in pain on her wrist when she slammed her locker, "Yoojung, I'm not in a mood." 

Yoojung chuckled in disbelief, "Yah, fix your attitude or our friendship is officially over."

She left her behind, making Lisa feel guilty.

"Yah, she's coming. Let's leave."

Lisa came inside and read the situation since they were looking away. After Lisa witnessed her desk, "Thank you for giving me these words. You're jealous, right?" 

Lisa smirked confidently, making them pissed off with her confident side. 

Jungkook then comes in. They then turned into fangirl mode, making Lisa looked at him emotionless. Jungkook walked towards her, but she completely ignored him as she exited out of the classroom, "Class has began, where are you going Lisa?!" 

"I can't believe she's ditching class today." Mr. Suk mumbled quietly, making the girls laughed when someone badmouthed Lisa, "Because she's into doing bad stuff nowadays. So she's called slut, whore, and etc." 

Mr. Suk gasped shockingly as he slammed the attendance to shut them up.

Jungkook was pissed after seeing Lisa's desk and hearing those from his fans as he suddenly kick the empty seat beside him, making everyone startled in fear, "Shut up! The class has started."

Meanwhile, Lisa ended up staying in the girls' washroom. She wanted to be alone. She didn't know all the girls plan to gang up on her in gym. Yoojung overhead them. When Lisa came to gym, Jungkook asked worriedly, "Hey, are you okay?"

"Go away. I don't feel like talking to you." 

Lisa pushed him away slightly and went ahead of him inside the gym. Jungkook didn't leave his eyes on her and heard someone mentioning about Lisa, "It seems she is sick. She looks really depressed." 

Yoojung didn't participate instead she watched them playing, knowing Lisa will be bullied. 

She was afraid to get involved.

Lisa was about to get the ball when one of the girl suddenly pushed her hard, making her lose balance and fell down. All the girls laughed while Lisa bit her lips holding back the pain on her wrist and Dahee stepped on her hand, "Ouch!" 

She tries to move her hand off her feet and started feeling weak, dizzy and hot.

"How long are you going to be around BTS?" 

Dahee stepped on her hand harder, making her feel more pain while Yoojung felt heartbroken to watch. 

What should I do? 

"S-Stop." Lisa held back the pain and the girls didn't obey her. 

Suddenly, a blood came out of nowhere as they backed away from her, "Holy shit...I didn't even step on you that hard and you're bleeding?" 

Dahee was caught off guard as Lisa struggled to stand up on her feet. Yoojung widened her eyes witnessing blood from her hand as she immediately run to her side before she collapsed to the floor due to loss of blood and dizziness, "L-Lisa, wake up!" 

She caressed her cheek as she felt the hotness on her, "HELP!!" 

Jungkook heard it as he runs off to them in rush. Once he arrived, he saw Lisa lying down on Yoojung's arms and her wrist was bleeding, "O-Oppa, we didn't do it. She-"

Jungkook picked her up in a bridal style and faced his fans while giving them a death glare, "I won't forgive you for hurting what's mine." 

He threatened them angrily and took her to the nursery room.

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