Uncle Nash

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(A/n guys before you read this chapter i wanted to tell you we are loosing our readers. We almost lost like 20 to 30 readers in a day.We are trying to write a story so if there is anything wrong you should tell us.We are beginners and we need your help. Please i just dont want to loose anymore readers.

Ps. i know the movie frozen came out this year but at our story pretend its an old movie)

Chp 22 ((Uncle Nash))

Beth pov:

We went to Starbucks.I bought our caramel frapps and went to Coco Beach it wasn't too full. Only some couples and 2 families.

Ema went and sat on the sand, watching the the waves and I followed. We sat in comfortable silence drinking from our frapps

After a couple of minutes Ema sighed and said "Beth I have a family after all" she began to cry

"What?" I asked what is she talking about family?

" Do you remember Sam the guy I meet today, he is my cousin ,his dad is my uncle his name is Nash ,I don't know what to do. I told him I am not leaving you guys but I can give him a couple of visits and Sam kissed me Beth what should I do?"

I didn't answer I was digusting every single information

" Just visit them and keep in contact with them they are family after all and if you want to live with them Ema its up to you seriously we will still be together"

"First suggestion is better" she said and smiled

"Come here lil sis" I said she snuggled into my arms

"Do you remember when we went with Nancy to the beach. She loved to gather the shells. Let's gather some and put them in a jar if we went home" she said with a smile

" The one who takes more win" I stood up and dusted my white now dirty pants



"I am sorry for everything"

"No prob that's what's sisters for babe"

" I didn't mean to ruin your date"

"We can have another one" we began to gather shells

-----FLASH BACK-----

"Mom,uncle Blake can we go gather some shells" Nancy said with a smile on her face

"Ok darling " my mom said and continued reading her magazine

Ema,Meg, Nancy and I went to gather the shells and then played in the water all day

We were on a vacation with the Whites

At the sunset. The girls and I were watching the sunset together I remmeber Nancy saying "I love you Bethany"

That was before Hell broke out


I didn't notice I was crying until I heard Ema saying "Beth what's wrong" concern written all over her face

"I just remmbered the day at the beach"

"Oh yeah good memory isn't it?" She said with a smile

"Yeah I remember how happy we were " I said and pressed my lips in a thin line

"Soo how many shells did you gather" she asked and showed me her shells

I opened my hand to see I just gathered 7 while she had 40 or 30 shells

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