Where There's A Jill There's A Way

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'Who was on the phone Kevin?' Patty asked, turning from the couch, the Aussie hanging up the received after a brief few words and then returning to the box of hats he had on his desk.    'My Mum.'                                                                      'Your Mom?' Abby asked with interest looking up, taking another doughnut from the bag Holtzmann was still clutching. 'My Mum,' Kevin repeated absentmindedly, deciding on a hat and putting it on.                        'Kevin? Kev. Everything okay?' Holtzmann asked, taking a bite of another doughnut.                'Yeah, just a few issues with Mike's bank.' Erin coughed loudly in surprise, Abby turning back to face Erin and the girls, a confused look on her face.                                                                        Holtzmann continued,'His bank?'                            'Yeah, his bank. He's got bad kidneys so we just need to update a few things,' Kevin replied, standing up and tapping the top of his chosen straw sunhat, 'Well I'm off for the day, bye Boss..es... bossssesss..bye!'
The built man waved with a big dopey grin and sauntered to the firehouse's door, a spring in his step. The Ghostbusters looked at each other, wide eyed and breaking into gentle laughter. Kevin never failed to confuse them.

'So what are we up to tonight?' Patty asked loudly, rubbing her hands together.
'I want a drinnnkkk.' Abby responded, falling deeper into the couch. Patty slapped her friend's thigh,'That's ma girl!'
'Ima make margaritas!' Holtzmann said, in a loud deep voice, jumping up off the couch, tossing the near empty bag of doughnuts on the coffee table between them. Patty followed, jumping over the back of the couch, they headed over to the kitchen. Erin and Abby stayed on the couch, feet up, relaxed. Erin played with her still damp hair, eyes closed.
'Errriinnnn!' bellowed Holtzmann from the kitchen. The redhead groaned, opening her eyes,'What Holtz?'
Abby laughed and turned her head towards Erin from the opposite couch.
'I need your help!'
Erin groaned again,'Holtz?!'
'Erin! Now!'
Abby laughed again,'Erin, go.'
The physicist shook her head and stood up, walking slowly to the kitchen. When she got to the doorway Patty and Holtzmann were mid argument.
'Erin,' Patty said, pausing, Holtzmann with her hands on her hips, swaying, blowing a raspberry with her lips. 'Erin,' Patty repeated,' it's sugar on the rim?'
Holtzmann exhaled loudly, laughing,' Patty, Patty, Patty, it's salt.' Erin sighed, she was tired, she wanted a drink, she wanted to kick back. Erin leaned over to the counter top, picking up the salt shaker and handing it to Holtzmann,'It's salt Patty,' she said softly.
Holtzmann snatched the salt from Erin, poking her tongue out at Patty,'Hahaha!!! Patttyyyy!!'
The tall woman groaned, turning on her heel and marching out the door ,'Well make mine sugar! Ima goinna chose the movie!'
Holtzmann put the salt back on the bench, grinning at Erin, scrunching her face up, then winking 'Knew you'd take my side.'
Erin shook her head,'Oh, no, no it is salt Holtz.'
'Mmmmkayy,' the blonde replied, winking again, 'whatever you say babe.'
Erin blushed, her hand reaching up to twirl her hair again. Holtzmann smiled at her softly, 'Wanna help me?' she asked, gesturing at the array of bottles for the margaritas.                            Erin nodded,'Sure.'
Holtzmann had her yellow lenses glasses perched in her blonde mound of curls and her dirty flight suit was still on, the top half of the suit pulled down to tie around her waist, and she wore only a singlet, her toned arms exposed.
'Whacha thinking Gilbert?'
Erin didn't realise she had paused, her hands resting on the bench top, Holtzmann busying herself with glasses.
'Nothin' Holtz. Just looking forward to a relaxing night. It's been a big week.'
The blonde snorted, 'It's been a big year!'

Holtzmann was right, they'd had a huge year.  Defeating Rowan, saving their beloved city, finding each other and using their combined passions to become the Ghostbusters. Thanks to the Mayor they had acquired the Firehouse as their office, and although the four of them still had their own city apartments the four spent most of their time together at the Firehouse, not only working but socialising together. There were three spare bedrooms up on the second level, each one decked out with some basics for the women, including small fold out beds. Holtzmann however set up a small bedroom area in her and Erin's office, mainly as she was inclined to work all night and Erin didn't want her walking home in the dark and so the blonde would crash most nights in her little corner. Plus Erin liked to know she was safe at the firehouse, and Holtzmann loved knowing she could wake up early and walk straight over to her desk and begin work. Tonight would be one of those nights, movies, drinks and good company.

Erin finished salting the fourth glass as Holtzmann poured in the alcohol. The engineer lifted up a full glass, handing it to Erin, taking one for herself
'To us.' The blond tilted her glass towards Erin.
'Jill we should all toast together.'
Holtzmann just laughed, clinking her glass to Erin's, winking at her, and taking a sip.
'Mmmmm,' she licked her lips,'I did good.'
Erin blushed, for the second time, her stomach somersaulting as she met Holtzmann's gaze again, and she looked down at the glass in her hand, she was going to need a few more of these to get through the night.
'What are you two doing in there?' called Abby.
Erin grabbed the other two glasses, flustered and then turned to Holtzmann who was dancing by herself, her arms in the air, slowly bringing her glass to her mouth for a sip. Erin smiled at her carefree friend, staring and watching her awkward moves.
Holtzmann caught her looking, 'They can wait,' she pointed with her free hand to the drinks, 'come dance with me.' Erin chuckled,'No, no Holtz, c'mon,' and motioned to the door with her head.
Holtzmann skipped quickly past Erin, spilling a little of her Margarita, pausing in front of Erin, leaning into her,'Where there's a Jill there a way.' Holtzmann breathed softly, winking again and turned around dramatically, calling out to her two thirsty friends,'Let's get this night started!'

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