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Taehyung went back to being the cocky jerk he was when Jimin met him, but he got colder. Shoulder barging into Jimin, spitting rude insults at him like nobody's business and the worst thing about it, Jimin didn't know what he had done wrong.

Had he done something wrong to upset Tae? He couldn't recall what he had done, the last time they spoke was when Jungkook removed him from the group chat. Jimin scrunched up his nose as he felt the familiar tingle of a sneeze coming along, making him look a little like a rabbit. Sighing, he rests his head against Kookie's shoulder. He would usually laugh, finding it weird seeing everything on its side, but he didn't feel like laughing. 

All throughout lunch Taehyung would just glare at Jimin and it really unnerved him, frightening he huddled into Jungkook since Yoongi had his arms around Hoseok after finally asking him out. Jimin thought it was cute, they deserved each other, their own jigsaw piece to solve the puzzle. Jimin wanted to meet his other half, but he didn't think he would get one. Who would like him? He doesn't swear, he doesn't like dirty things like everyone else. His hyungs like him, but not in that special way. Taehyung doesn't like his innocence either.  

"You okay Jiminie?" Jungkook asked the older boy, surprised at his sudden clinginess, it was usually Yoongi who he would cling to and the rest of the guys-short of Taehyung-noticed this and became worried.

Jimin brushed it off with a nod and looked into the distance, watching a couple kiss and their friends all 'awing' over it. Jimin wanted to tell them they were going to get told off but he sat firmly in his seat, cuddled up to Jungkook and he didn't speak at all, all the way to the end of lunch.

He walked to his next lesson holding onto Jungkook's school blazer, his feet shuffling down the white floor. His breath becoming quicker and more shallower, he felt scared, he felt like he was being watched. Trying to push the paranoia aside, Jimin slips his hand into Jungkook's as they walk through the door and dragged him to a table at the back. If he was being watched, he would be the last person they could reach. Jimin liked that, the reassurance that nobody could climb through the window since they were on the second floor and they would be the last ones to be reached. 

They sit around for a while waiting for their teacher to decide to turn up. Jungkook turned to Jimin, his eyebrows furrowed together. Why was Jimin so clingy today? To him of all people. He was going to ask him, but he was caught off guard by Jimin's quiet whimpers as he looks around the room, his eyes wide. Jungkook decided to just comfort him and bring it up another time. Keeping hold of Jimin's left hand, he puts a hand on his back and rubs small circles on it, whispering in his ear that everything was alright and he had no need to be scared. After another eight minutes, Jimin calmed down. 

The teacher decided to turn up and Jimin was appalled to learn what they were doing that lesson, with a quick glace at Jimin from the teacher, he nudged his head sideways and Jimin was out of there like a house on fire. 

Jimin was alone in the corridors, he started to wonder around while the rest of the class dissected a frog, something Jimin's innocent faint hear could not bare. He didn't care if the frog was already dead, he didn't think that the frog's last wishes were 'yes, please let a bunch of lunatic teenagers cut me open, why don't they take pictures and post it on social media while they're at it'.

He looked at everything around him, but he ended up at the trophy case, something that Jimin loved to look at. The accomplishments of other people, their dreams. The competitions that they participated in and the thought of how much training and pain went into it for them to come back victorious. Jimin didn't really care about the times they lost, he just thought of it as motivation to try harder next time. 

Skipping down the corridors, his shoes clacking against the marbled floor, echoing down the long narrow hall, squeaking a little when Jimin suddenly stops, making him giggle a little. Not to the knowledge of Jimin, somebody was watching him from a distance. It was someone he knew, but hadn't seen in a very long time. Watching the younger boy dance around brought a momentary smile to the lurking figures face, but it was wiped away as quickly as it appeared, he couldn't smile. He just couldn't. 

One step Jimin took forward, the closer he got to the person, another step forward, the gap closing even more. Jimin felt on edge again, he didn't feel right, he felt scared, more scared than when he was walking into the classroom with Kookie. He wanted to run to Taehyungie and ask him to protect him. Jimin's eyebrows furrowed. Why did he no longer imagine Yoongi protecting him from harm?

Jimin didn't know what to do, did he run? Start yelling? Call somebody? Yes, call someone. But who? Jimin grabbed his phone with shaky hands and dialed the number, looking around to see if he could spot anything out of the ordinary, something that shouldn't be there. The only thing that shouldn't be there is Jimin. 

As he walked around the corner, the ringing phone still held tightly in Jimin's hand, but resting by his leg so he didn't get caught by a teacher, he felt a strong and muscled arm slip around him and a piece of horrible smelling cloth being pressed against his soft mouth, he tried fighting, but Jimin wasn't physically strong to anybody's standards and soon enough, he was out like a light.

"Hello? Boss? Yes, I've got him. I'll bring him right to you Mrs Park."

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