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Taehyung grips the phone with a vice-like grip. He had felt his phone vibrating in his pocket for a good five minutes before excusing himself from the lesson he was in to rip into whoever was ringing him during school hours (he was already in enough trouble with the school as it was) that was until he heard struggling from the phone, but it was louder than it should have been.

He checked the caller ID and saw that it was Jimin that had called him, he had heard all of it, the struggling, the phone call the kidnapper had made to who Taehyung was guessing was Jimin's mother, but Taehyung didn't know enough about the guy so he decided to let it rest for a while. Maybe he wasn't kidnapping Jimin, maybe Jimin was just being stubborn so the person had to force Jimin to see his mother. But why this close to the end of school?

He shrug the whole situation off, Jimin wasn't his problem. It wasn't like they had any form of friendship, that moment they had in the canteen was a fluke, an anomaly that was quickly eliminated, they hadn't spoken in days. Taehyung casually strolled through the corridors and almost got to his lesson before he bumped into someone. 

"Shit, sorry," The other person apologised, but he seemed too distracted to actually sound apologetic.

"Watch it," Taehyung scorns before reaching for the door handle and walking into the room. 

He sits back down at his desk and ignores all the swooning girls trying to talk to him, he chuckles a little at their naivety, he was a straight as a rainbow slinky. After the lesson ended he strode to his locker, planning to leave school and ditch last period, he really couldn't be bothered with school. 

He gets to his locker and sees Yoongi, Hoseok, Jungkook, Namjoon and Seokjin standing around a locker not far from his. He pretends that he didn't notice them and opens his locker, pretending to find something in his locker, he listens into their conversation, wondering what the secret group meeting was about. 

"He couldn't have just upped and left," Seokjin said with a look of worry on his face, "you know Jimin, he doesn't like to make people worry, he would have told us if he was leaving."

Yoongi nodded. "He would have tried to ring one of us if something bad was happening to him," 

Taehyung felt on edge. Jimin had contacted someone, but it wasn't one of them... it was him. He shook his head, they're probably making something out of nothing. 

"I'll go home now and see if he's there, if not then we know we're in trouble. Jiminie doesn't like going places without someone with him,"

He was fine walking around school though, Taehyung said in his head bitterly.

"Unless he's at school," Namjoon points out.


"Have you tried the trophy case? He loves that thing," Jungkook suggests.

Yoongi hugs him and smiles. "I haven't! Alright, I'm going to the trophy case, if he's not there I'll text the group chat and then I'll go home to check there," 

Everyone nods and Yoongi jogs off, a worried expression etched onto his face, Hoseok watches his boyfriend try to force himself in the opposite direction of the current of students which were walking down the corridor, his eyes showing more emotions than words could say. His friend was missing, but he felt guilty because of the unnecessary jealously of how Yoongi is reacting to Jimin's disappearance. 

The group dispersed and Taehyung was left alone with his thoughts, going through the new information he had learned. He still felt skeptical about whether or not Jimin was in danger or not, so he still kept quiet. 

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