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"I'm sorry for being a jerk towards you Jimin, I really do feel bad about it, it's just... I love Yoongi. I can honestly promise with every fibre in my body that I am in love with Min Yoongi, it's just hard loving someone and giving them all your love and affection and then feel like you're getting nothing back y'know?"

Jimin just smiles and opens up his arms, Hoseok gratefully smiles back and accepts the hug. Glad to have his friend back and having clear water between them both.

"You Jung Hoseok, have a lot of sucking up to do, and I don't just mean the sexual way," Jimin jokes, making Hoseok pull back in utter shock.

"Aish, I may have returned back to my normal self but the knowledge is still there, now, what do you say we call over Seokjin and we all prepare one (candle) lit dinner date for you and Yoongi?"

So that's what they did, after hearing that the two have cleared things up between them Seokjin felt so relieved, he hated his children fighting. Once he heard the plan he hung up which confused Jimin and Hoseok and while they were trying to figure out how the tin opener worked, they heard someone burst through the front door and saw one panting Seokjin with arms full of groceries and wearing a white chef's hat.

After assigning Jimin and Hoseok tasks, the three of them get to work on making the best meal possible for Hoseok and Yoongi later on. Jimin got bored of stirring so Seokjin sent him to tidy up and romanticise the apartment and set the table. Jimin being the fashionista he was, he done it to perfection, finding the spoof valentines day present he had been given which were plastic rose petals which were in his perspective, equally as effective.

When the food was close to being finished, Hoseok was sent home to change. While they waited for him to return, they decided to catch up and chatter for a while, they mainly spoke about their relationships, while Seokjin was completely happy in his relationship with Namjoon and it's growing strong, Jimin wasn't so sure about himself and Lay. They had grown distant ever since he turned down the offer to go on the talent show, but to be quite honest... it didn't bother him as much as he thought it would.

Just then, he got a text from Lay, then straight after that, he got a text from Hoseok. He thought Lay could wait a while.

From: Horse face
Yoongi is walking up your floor!!! Do something so I can get there before him!!!

Jimin looked up at Seokjin with an alarmed expression.

"Hoseok needs a distraction, Yoongi's going to get here before him,"

Seokjin tears through the room and darts out the door leaving Jimin standing there in shock. Did he just see Seokjin run out or Sonic? Shortly after he sees Hoseok walk through the door huffing. The distraction must have worked then.

"SEOKJIN I'M GOING TO KILL YOU WHEN I SEE YOU NEXT!" The pair hear Yoongi shout and they both wince.

Poor neighbours.

An angry Yoongi walks in, slightly resembling a small trembling chihuahua, but his expression changes entirely when he notices the dimly lit room and his boyfriend standing wearing formal clothes holding a rose and the sweet aroma of food.

"What's going on?" Yoongi asks confused.

"I'm going to leave and catch up with Lay, enjoy you two," he says walking towards the door and shove Yoongi forward towards his boyfriend. He turned to shut the door but he turned back one final time to look at the pair. "Use protection."

With that, Jimin walked down the hallway and walks towards the lift. He checked his phone remembering there was a missed text from Lay and he opened the message.

From: Lay('s crisps)
Hey... can we meet up? We need to talk

Jimin shot back a quick 'yes' before the lift arrived and he stepped inside. Listening to the God awful elevator music, he wished the lift to hurry up so he could meet up with Lay. He walked to the coffee shop that they both liked, assuming it was there he wanted to talk. Jimin's assumption was spot on, because sitting there at the table they say at on their first date, was Lay.

He took a steady breath and walked in, suddenly feeling extremely anxious. He sits down at the table across from his boyfriend and smiles, but it wasn't returned.

"I think we should break up," Lay rushed out, surprising Jimin.

"I'm good thanks, how are you?" Jimin jokes before taking off his beanie. "But yeah, I've been feeling the same myself to be honest."

Lay looked surprised this time. "You have?"

"Yeah, I mean, we're so distant now, but that distance has given me time to think, and to be honest, I don't think I'm over Taehyung," Jimin admits to both Lay and himself.

He doesn't like the fact he still likes someone who played with his emotions, all over him making out one minute and avoiding him like the plague the next. Not helping when he got kidnapped by his mother, when the video was leaked instead of finding out the truth he just shoved his tongue down Jungkook's throat. Why would he like someone like that? Because even though he did all those things, he was the first one to make Jimin less clingy. He was Jimin's first proper crush, he was good looking and even though Taehyung didn't notice, Jimin saw Taehyung apologise to the little girl in the hallway on his behalf, he does have a pure heart, he just chooses not to show it.

"I think I'm in love with Suho,"

Jimin's eyes widen in shock. That was a pretty bold statement.

"How long?" He asks simply.

"A few months? I feel really bad about it though, I'm with you. I should love you, right? Not someone else. I mean, I like you- don't get me wrong, you're sweet, handsome, funny and kind, but I just don't love you,"

Jimin smiles and rests his hand on Lay's. "If you're in love with Suho, why are you here with me?" He speaks softly.

Lay smiles widely. "You're too good for me, Jimin. I wish you the best with Taehyung,"

With that, Lay stands up and runs out the coffee shop, tripping up on his way out making Jimin giggle. He didn't feel upset, he actually felt relieved, he felt happy. They both were friends, they weren't meant to be partners and Jimin understood that now, but now, he needed to focus on the person who he truly had feelings for.

As for now, Jimin just walked around the park, enjoying the walk until he got a text from Hoseok saying he was good to start heading back home and that they were going to Hoseok's. Jimin wished them goodnight and started the walk back home. He returned home and after a quick meal he decided to head straight to bed.

He was awoken a few hours later to shaking. He was being rocked back and forth in a harsh manner but all he did was stir, a low growl could be heard throughout the room and then suddenly he was tugged out of bed. His eyes were wide open; alert. When his eyes adjusted to the darkness, he could make out a silhouette.

"Can I help you at..." he turned his head. "Three fudging am?"

"Come on, I'm hungry, we're going McDonald's," with that Jimin was pulled up from the floor and he could barely grab his keys. There was only one thing he could fully process.

It's Taehyung.

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