Chapter 20

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The breath catches in my throat. Everyone in the cave is looking at me. I can sense their pain and outrage. They didn't ask for this. They didn't ask for me to show up on their island. They didn't ask to lose their home and all of their belongings. And now their family and friends are in danger.

The energy shifts in the cave and the tribe people's Kyzalah inspired reverence turns to wariness.

How quickly gods fall from grace.

"Was anyone hurt in the fire?" Nova asks.

"Not too badly. Everyone split into groups to hide. The elders sent me here to tell you because I am the fastest." She puffs up her chest and raises her chin. "I can bring a message back to the elders. What do you want me to tell them?"

The girl must be exhausted from riding through the night but she hides it well.

"Good work Raven. I need you to stay here, rest up, and be ready to travel if any urgent messages need to brought to me. I will return to the forest immediately." Nova responds.

"Rah, it is too dangerous." A tribesman protests.

"I will not stay in hiding while my people are being threatened and my home has been burned to the ground." Nova's hands curl into fists by her side.

Nova turns to face me. "Do something." She says in a low voice. It is both a command and plea. My stomach twists in a knot.

I follow the others out of the cave to see Nova off. The horses are jittery, as if they can sense Nova's stress. Nova approaches the light brown horse that she has ridden since I arrived and places her hand on its side. It becomes still. There is a deep connection between Nova and this horse that is beautiful to watch.

Once Nova is gone, the tribe people and I return to the cave. Almost immediately an argument erupts between the tribe members. I find a quiet corner of the cave and try to collect my thoughts, but the argument becomes more and more heated and I can't help but catch bits and pieces of what the tribe members are saying.

"We should surrender her to the Dark Soldiers!" A man exclaims.

"I agree. Keeping her here will only bring sorrow and death to our people. Magic is evil. Nothing good ever comes of it." A woman chimes in.

"But she is Kyzalah! We must protect her. She is our only hope!" The man with the dragon tattoo protests.

"If she is truly Kyzalah then she doesn't need our protection. She can take care of herself." A woman snaps.

I am absorbed in eavesdropping on the argument when a strong hand grips my arm. "It's time to get out of here."

The voice belongs to Easton. He pulls me along the edge of the cave, staying in the shadows.

"Sarah is waiting for us outside with horses ready." Easton continues. We creep up the ladder that leads out of the cave. Thankfully the rock slab that covers the entrance is still open from Nova's departure so we can slip out of the cave quietly.

"What about Xander?" I ask as we mount the horses.

"We must leave without him." Easton says.

Sarah frowns but says nothing.

We gallop towards the coastline. When the coastline is in sight, we slow down.

Easton shades his eyes and peers at the beach. "We can get into those coves while the tide is low. That will be a good place to hide until we can come up with a better plan."

Sarah stops her horse and turns towards Easton.

"Wait. First I want to know why we left Xander behind. What aren't you telling us?" Sarah demands.

"I know only what you know, but think about it." Easton replies. "Xander said he made a deal with Kronos to save his sister, yet his sister is not with his tribe and I have never seen her in Tykos, so where is she? And if he truly betrayed the Resistance, why wouldn't Kronos make him a Dark Soldier? Why would he just release Xander onto a foreign island alone?"

Easton is right. Something is off.

Sarah's eyes widen. "Xander is a spy." She exclaims.

Easton nods. "Yes, I think so."

Has Xander been guiding the Dark Soldiers to my hiding places all along? Did he steal my dagger for Kronos? But Kronos wants me dead. If Xander was working for Kronos, wouldn't he have killed me by now? He could have easily killed me while I slept alone a few feet away from him in the cave in Tykos.

My mind reels with questions.

I take a deep breath and breathe in the salty cool air as we near the ocean. I listen for the familiar sound of seagulls and I realize the beach is completely silent.

"Where are all the birds?" I say.

Sarah looks up and the blood drains from her face. I lift my chin and follow her gaze.

A group of ten dragons, laden with Dark Soldiers, are flying directly towards us.

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