Chapter 27

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The guards grab my arms before I even have a chance to try to fight.

"Bind her arms and legs and search her." Ryker commands.

My stomach twists into a knot. The Blade of Dawn still rests on my hip, wrapped in cloth. I've come this far, I can't lose it now.

The rough ropes pinch my skin as the soldiers bind my wrists and ankles. It only takes them a few seconds to find and unfasten the Blade of Dawn from my waist. I bite my lip, feigning indifference. I don't want them to know how valuable the dagger is.

"What do we have here?" Ryker says. His fleshy jowls wobble as he steps forward. The solider sets the Blade of Dawn on Ryker's dark wooden desk.

"Magnificent! Simply magnificent!" Ryker exclaims as the last piece of cloth falls open, revealing my blade. "I never thought I'd have the chance to see it in person."

"It not what you think it is. It's a cheap replica." I say. The lie is a long-shot, but it's the best plan I can think of.

"If so, it's a stunning likeness to the original. The creator would have to have seen the original to make such an impressive replica." Ryker says. I can tell he is not convinced by my lie. "You are just full of surprises. We have a lot of talking to do. I can't wait to learn all of your little secrets."

"Leave us," Ryker barks at the soldiers.

I never thought I'd prefer to have Dark Soldiers around, but I quickly find myself not wanting them to leave. I don't want to be alone with Ryker, there is something deeply sick and dangerous about him.

Lars pauses for a moment. "We should notify Kronos that we have found the Blade of Dawn." Lars says.

Ryker's pale face darkens. "First, I must determine if the blade is a fake or not. That requires questioning, which I cannot do if you are standing here impeding my investigation. I will report my findings to Kronos once I have verified that there is anything of substance to report. Otherwise, I will not waste his time with trivialities."

Lars narrows his eyes. I sense a power struggle. It is becoming clear that Lars reports directly to Kronos, but has been instructed to give deference to Ryker.

"I will report back before sundown to discuss your findings." Lars replies curtly. He turns to leave and the other soldiers follow him.

The sound of the soldier's footsteps disappears and Ryker smiles.

"Now, where shall we begin." He pulls a key from his belt and unlocks a chest that sits next to his desk. The chest creaks open, revealing various stones, artifacts, and potions.

"I have nothing to tell you. Please, let me go." I beg.

Ryker pulls out a glass vial that is shaped like an orb. Inside is a murky black liquid that moves and slithers as if there are snakes swimming beneath the surface.

"Do you know how rare this is?" Ryker says, ignoring my pleas.

I struggle against the ropes that constrain me.

"It is a slow acting poison." He continues when I don't respond. "The effects are subtle at first. Minor discomfort. Then the pain grows and grows over a period of two hours. Then, at the end of the second hour, the poison becomes lethal and you die." Ryker looks at me like a child seeking approval, then his face lights up and he laughs. "Of course that's not all! What a boring potion that would be! The interesting part is that there is an antidote. I happen to have it. I can give it to you any time and the pain will stop and poison will no longer be lethal."

Ryker swings the vial from side to side and watches the liquid swirl. "It's simply genius. All of the perks of a proper interrogation, without all of the fuss and mess!"

A knot forms in my throat. I try to take a deep breath and calm down but is becoming hard to breathe.

Ryker approaches me with the vial in his left hand and a pair of pliers in his right hand.

"Please, don't," I rasp, the air in the cave feels thin. "I will tell you whatever you want to know. You don't need to use the potion."

"A bit of motivation never hurts. Better safe than sorry." Ryker grabs my neck with his cold, fleshy fingers, forces my mouth open with the pliers and pours the black liquid down my throat.

I fight back with everything I have. The ropes cut into my skin and I scream. I try to spit the liquid out but I fail and I am left choking and coughing as the liquid fills my mouth.

The potion burns as it travels down to my stomach and my skin begins to crawl.

There is no going back now. I have two hours left to live.

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