Chapter 1: I'm back!

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Jae Eun's Thoughts

I graduated high school at the top of the state. I was popular, praised, and constantly looked at.

I have two part-time jobs, a nice home, and everything seems to work out for me.

Well, I find it too... Perfect.

Recently, I told my parents I wanted to go back to Korea for college. At first they refused. I asked again. They refused. One more time. Nope. So I told them I'd keep workings any job available until I had enough money for a ticket. They quickly changed their mind :)

Now I'm on my way to the airport with my mom and dad. It might be a long ride so let me tell you why I want to go back.

Like I said before, I'm bored, but that's not all. I was born in Korea and moved here to America because my dad was given a huge job offer. I was only 11.

While in Korea, I had a lot of friends, but I only cared about leaving one. My childhood friend, Min Yoongi.

I remember when my parents were very poor, and my dad's job was barely protecting us from homelessness. Seriously, moving to America really changed our lives.

But anyways, when my family was poor, I was often made fun of. Sometimes, I couldn't afford to buy lunch, and I didn't bring lunch either.

My clothes were either torn or used. Because of taxes, sometimes we didn't have water, so I sometimes had a smell.

But someone who always helped me, was the tough, grouchy, and obnoxious Yoongi. He would buy me food, gifts (even though he wasn't that rich), and he'd beat up people who laughed at me.

Even though I say he was grouchy and obnoxious, Yoongi was always considerate and was nice when he thought you weren't looking.

I also really like Mrs. Min, Yoongi's mom. She always felt like a real mom, because mine was always focused on making money. If only I were born his sister. Then I would be truly happy.

(:D this girl has no romantic feelings for Yoongi at all. Yeh this is fuuun)

I guess seeing Yoongi is mainly why I want to go back, now that I think about it.

Oh. We're here at the airport already. What time is it?

Jae Eun's P.O.V.

The car stopped further away from the entrance because of the traffic. After I got my bags and my suitcase, I stood facing away from my parents.

I could sense their eyes on me, so I turned and wore a huge smile.

"You don't have to worry about me, okay? I'm a big girl now. I've been wanting to go back for ages!" I laughed as a small tear rolled down my cheek.

Hey, I want to go so badly, but that doesn't mean I won't miss my two loving parents. It was going to be hard and stressful without them.

I saw my mother tearing up and my dad was staring at the ground. Okay. I get it. I know what I have to do.

"C-come on! Don't m-make me regret this already." I said, holding myself back from sobbing. I dropped my bags and hugged them, tears starting to overtake me.

"Be safe, Jae Jae... " My mom said quietly and kissed my forehead.

"No boyfriend! No guys in your apartment!" My dad said jokingly.

"Heh, got it." I reply, pulling out of the hug. "I'll call you. I promise!"

Picking up my stuff, I began walking backwards toward the entrance. "Bye Mom! Bye Dad! I love you! I love you sooo much!" I cry out.

They waved and got back in the car. Then, they were gone.


The plane ride was going to be long and boring. After wiping away the sadness from my face, I stuffed myself with peanuts and watched a Korean drama called Hwarang.

Then I tried to fall asleep, ignoring the snoring child next to me, who was cuddling my arm. Before I knew it, we landed in Korea.

After I had escaped the child's grasp, I made my way out of the plane, and out of the airport. It wasn't long until I was standing on the sidewalk, hailing a taxi.

I was so close. Yoongi, I am so close.

As the taxi was driving to Yoongi's house, I looked out the window, remembering the beautiful, funny, and horrible memories I made here. I even saw my small, run-down house.

Finally, the cab stopped in front of Yoongi's place. After paying the driver, I scrambled out of the car and grabbed my bags.

There I was, standing in front of Yoongi's house, with wide, gleaming eyes. I marched up to the door, and raised my hand to knock. But then, I froze.

What if he's not home? What if he doesn't remember me? What if he didn't really care if I came back or not? Oh my god, oh my god, oh my g-

"Excuse me? Do you need something?" A deep voice asks me from behind. Instead of turning around, I just froze in embarrassment.

"Yah! I'm talking to you! You're in my way!"
He says, a bit rudely. This time, I turned to him and yelled,

"Can't you wait just a bit?! I'm in the middle of a mental crisis!!!" I never learned how to get along with jerks, except Yoongi.

When I now faced him, I saw he had a black mask on. He also wore black pants, black shoes, a black beanie, and a black jacket.

Who the hell is this kid? Is he part of a cult or something? I looked him up and down.

When he saw my face, his eyes widened. He began approaching me slowly, still looking deep into my eyes.

"W-what?" I stuttered as I took a step back. Crap, did I piss him off?

Then, the boy grabbed my shoulders and pulled me into a hug.

"Seong Jae Eun! You idiot, what took you so long?!" The masked boy said, while squeezing me tightly.

"H-huh?! D-d-do I know you??" I managed to say, while trying to pull him off me. Do I know this guy???

He parted from the hug slightly, and looked at me again in disbelief.

"Jae Eun, it's me, Y-"

"Yoongi??? Is that you???" I heard a sweet, familiar voice.

We both turned to see Yoongi's front door slightly opened, and a woman peeking out at us.

"Ah, it is Yoongi! And... Is that you Jae Jae??"

I was about to respond happily, but then I froze again.

"Wait... YOONGI?!" I almost screamed as he pulled down his mask and smirked at me.


How was it? Okay??? I'm still wondering if Yoongi should get the girl, or Jungkook....

I mean, Jae Eun kinda likes Yoongi but doesn't realize it yet.

Jungkook is coming in soon :DDDD

Um... Hm... I wanted to say something but I forgot...

Anyway, hope you enjoyed the story and maybe comment who you want Jae Eun to end up with :3 it may or may not change my decision!

uhm... bye

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