Chapter 4: Sorry?

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I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing. I decided to ignore it and let it ring. Then it began ringing again. I let it ring. It rang once more.

"AISH! So persistent!" I shouted, as I sat up and snatched my phone from its charger.

"Hello, who are you?" I said a bit irritated, as I looked at the time. [9:04AM]

"Hey, grumpy." The voice responded.

This guy... "I'm hanging up."

"Yah! Wait!"


"Come over for breakfast. My mom told me to call you."

"Aw, I'd love too. But I'm registering for school today and I'm starting tomorrow. I have to prepare."

"Wow, you sound so serious."

"Well, I can't afford taking a break. I have to stay on top for my free scholarship."

"Just come for breakfast. After that, you're free to go."

"I really can't, Yoongi, I-"

Yoongi hung up.

Ugghh... "Okay..." I sighed and fell back onto the bed, staring at the ceiling.

Right when my eyes were about to shut completely, my phone went off once more.

"For goodness' sake..." I picked my phone up. I had received a message from Yoongi.

The message was a video. A video of my happiness routine. The moment I opened the file, I shot up in surprise.

"Ugh, it's that stupid recording he took..."

[No!! delete that right now!] I sent.

[lol no way. im sending this to all my fans around the world.] He responded.


[i wont send it if u listen to one of our songs.]

[No way, u know im not into kpop.]

[im seriously about to send it]


That jerk sent me a link to a song titled "Butterfly".

[Now hurry up and get ready. i know ur still lying down in bed.]

I quickly jumped out of the covers. Damn, how did he know?


While going through my morning process, I played Butterfly on a speaker. I hate to admit it, but the music was actually amazing. I replayed the song over and over again as I got ready.

I quickly brushed my teeth and washed my face. Then, I threw on a black and white, striped, button up blouse and a pair of grayish blue, light wash skinny jeans.

I combed my hair quickly and vigorously, and sprayed on a little perfume. Then, I shoved my feet into my black Converse highs. I grabbed my phone and sprinted out the door.


"Let me take your steamed egg." Yoongi said, reaching over to my plate.

I just looked at him and smiled. Aw, he remembers I don't like egg.

"What?" He said, after he saw me smiling, "I'm just really hungry."

"Tch," I clicked my tongue and made a face. "You're so not cute."

"Whatever." He said and continued to eat.

Yoongi sat in front of me at the evenly squared table, and Mrs. Min sat to my left. She had been alternating her gaze between the two of us and making weird faces every now and then.

"Are you two dating??" She randomly blurted out.

I choked on my water, and Yoongi just looked at her.

"Ahem, no. We're just really good best friends." I said with a smile. I could feel my cheeks growing warm.

I didn't know why, but he didn't say anything and just stared at me. He once again looked like he had something to say but changed his mind.

"Ahhh, really?? I wouldn't mind Yoongi marrying you, though... I would love to have you as my daughter-in-law!"

"Ahaha, really...?" I laughed nervously, not really knowing what to say. I put a spoon full of rice in my mouth.

"Mom, we are nothing but friends, okay? Please remember that. It's making Jae Eun uncomfortable." Yoongi said, sternly.


"Ah, really? I'm sorry, I thought you two were secretly dating. Mianeee~! My mistake!" Mrs. Min laughed and picked up our empty dishes.

It was true, I did feel a bit uncomfortable, but hearing Yoongi say that... I felt a tight squeeze in my chest. Why? It feels weird.

It was just us in the dining room. We sat silently, not looking at each other. It felt tense between us. I wanted to break this dead silence.


"Mom, I'll be going. I have something planned today with my group." Yoongi shouted into the other room and got up.

"Wait, let me walk you to your car." I quickly got up and followed him.

"Um, I listened to the song you sent me. It's really good!" I said as we walked out the front door.

"Oh, good." He responded, putting on a mask, while we walked across the yard.

"Also, I have to register for University right now. I was hoping you could come with me." I spoke quickly as we neared his car.

"Like I said, I'm busy." Yoongi replied, unlocking his car.

"Oh, okay... Then... Wait!" I cried out, as I grabbed onto his shirt sleeve, just as he was about to enter his car.

"What?" Yoongi's voice was deep and rough, but it sounded as though he cared.

"I... I, uh..." I stuttered, looking for something to say. I didn't know why I stopped him I just felt that I didn't want to leave things the way they were. I took a deep breath.

"Uh... Are you... Okay? Yoongi, I don't know why you're mad, but if I there's anything I could do, I'll do it." I tightened my grip on his shirt. "I just feeling weird leaving off like that..."

I was looking down from embarrassment, but when I looked up, I saw Yoongi smiling. Not a happy smile, I don't think. He was definitely smiling, but his eyebrows were furrowed and sad.

"Haah, you mess me up so bad." He mumbled under his breath, pulling down his mask.


Yoongi grabbed the back of my neck, and pulled me close to him. Then, he softly planted a kiss on my forehead. My face was a raging fire.

"Heh, I'm not mad. I'm really busy, though, so I'm sorry I can't go with you to register."
He said, leaving me dumbfounded and stepping into his car. "Take the train. Get home safely. Bye." Then, he drove away.

I shakily held my hands up to my forehead. "B- bye...."



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