Chapter 3: Phone Number

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Jae Eun's Thoughts

Wait... What? "I joined a Kpop group."

What happened while I was gone? Really...

Jae Eun's POV

"Oh..." I stared at him. I mean, Yoongi always wanted to get into the music industry ever since we were young. He'd often write songs and show them to me. But... "But, Yoongi, you're singing sucks..." .-.

"Pfft!" Mrs. Min let a laugh slip out. "Haha!"

Yoongi clicked his tongue at me, "Tch, pabo, I'm a rapper. Have you really not heard of us?"

A rapper huh. I thought of him rapping with his beautiful, deep, voice. Wow, that would be cool...

"Yah, are you listening or daydreaming?" That jerk interrupted my thoughts.

"Daydreaming." I said and made a face at him. He rolled his eyes.

"So you haven't heard of us? Have you heard the name BTS?" Yoongi asked.

"Oh! I know BTS! Behind the Scenes, right?"

"Wrong. BTS, Bulletproof Boyscouts." He facepalmed. "Listen to our music. Seriously, the whole world knows about us, and yet, my best friend doesn't even know our name."

"Hey, I was in America!"

"We have millions of Army there." He sighs and made a face.

"Argh, okay! Sorry, I live under a rock." I laughed. Aw, his pouty face right now is so cute.

After a bit more of chatting about this so-called rising K-pop group, I glanced at the clock.

"Oh, crap." It was 8 o'clock. I had to go retrieve the keys to my apartment at 8:30pm. "I have to go!" I suddenly shouted.

The two looked at me, startled. "I'm sorry, but I really lost track of time..." I'm supposed to pick up the keys to my apartment right now." I said as I stood up and ran into the other room.

"Oh, Jae Jae, why not just stay here for the night? I wouldn't mind at all." Mrs. Min once again suggested, coming into the room, followed by Yoongi.

"I really can't. If I don't pick up the keys now, I can't get them later on."
I said as I grabbed my luggage, and my purse.

"I'll be going, but I'll be back tomorrow! Bye auntie!" I said as I raced out the door. The sun was now gone, and it was almost pitch black, except for a bright streetlight.

I stood by the sidewalk, hoping to see a cab passing by. But no, there was nothing but silence.

I glanced at my phone. "Oh no... It's 8:15... Why is there no taxis around!" I cried to myself.

Suddenly I felt my luggage being lifted and taken from my hand.
"What?" I whipped around and saw Yoongi taking my luggage.

"What are you doing?" I just stared at him.

"Come on. Get in." He said as he opens the trunk of a fancy, black car parked on the side of the road. "We'll take my car."

"Wow..." I looked a little starstruck. How could he afford such a car? I soon snapped out of it when I saw Yoongi staring at me from the driver's seat. I entered the passenger's seat.

"Wow, it's so clean in here! It smells good." I had a weird grin plastered on my face, and at the corner of my eye, I could see Yoongi smiling. Embarrassed, I immediately such my mouth.

"Your seatbelt." He snapped.


Then we drove off.


"Thank you, sir! Thank you very much!" I said, as I spoke to a man over a counter. When he handed me the keys, I internally squealed.

When I was finally out of the building, with the keys in my hand, I did a happiness jump. And a happiness dance. And a happiness squeal. I didn't care who was watching, I felt like I was on top of the world. But I forgot about something.


Or someone.

I looked behind me and I saw Yoongi holding his phone out and laughing. He was recording my little happiness routine.

"Y-YAH!!" I yelled, as I ran at him, trying to steal his phone. "GIVE ME THAT!" But that jerk just smirked and raised his arm in the air. So I began trying to climb him.

While I was still reaching for the phone, I was caught off guard. Yoongi wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Hah?!" I could feel the heat rising to my cheeks again. "Yoongi, what are you doing?!" I felt embarrassed as cars and people passed by.

He had buried his face in my hair, and had his arms wrapped tightly around me. "You smell good." He said in a low growl beside my ear, that caused me to tense up.

"Yah!" I pushed his chest, but he wouldn't budge. "You idiot! This is so embarrassing!" I whined but he didn't move. We just stayed like that for a whole 2 minutes.

"Jae Eun... I really missed you." Yoongi said, finally. The feeling of his warm breath tickled my sensitive neck.

"I was really worried if you were doing okay or not. I thought you weren't planning to come back, so I tried not to keep my hopes up. But I still wished. You don't know how much I thought about you."

By now, my face was on fire, and his words didn't help at all. But I just kept silent. I've also missed this annoying guy, and feeling his arms around me was like a dream.

I soon hugged him back. My heart was beating out of my chest, and I hoped to cover up its beats.

"I missed you too, Min Yoongi."


We've been driving for a few minutes already. My heart was still racing. There was an awkward silence, but we didn't feel the need to say anything. For now, that was enough.

When we were finally in front of my apartment building, I just stared out the window for a minute, enjoying the warmth of the car. Then Yoongi opened his door and stepped out. I followed his lead. He then opened the trunk of his car and took out my heavy luggage.

Then I turned to my best friend.

"Thank you for dropping me off. I'll be going now." I said with a smile.

Yoongi stared at me, and it looked like he had something to say, but he changed his mind.

As I turned around toward my apartment, I felt a hand grab mine.

"Wait..." Yoongi said quietly. "Um... Oh you don't have my number since you got your phone right?"

"Oh yeah! What's your number?" I said as I took out my phone.

When we exchanged numbers, I finally turned around and started heading inside the building. Yoongi waited until I was inside.

"Bye~" I waved once more through the glass wall, making a funny face in the process. I could see him chuckle. Then, I disappeared into the elevator.


My furniture had been delivered to my apartment already, so I was greeted with a mess the moment I walked in.

After I finished arranging all my furniture, which took about two hours, I collapsed onto my new bed. Recalling the events of today, I can't help but smile and fall asleep.

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