Chapter 3

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Kim's POV:

The sun was shining through my window and it was blinding me, so I put my pillow over my face and tried to fall back asleep. But I just couldn't. It was really hot in my room so I threw on my jean shorts and a tangtop brushed my hair out and put it up. This time I was scared to open my door because I thought all of my brothers and the gang would be mad at me for running off last night. So I slowley opened the door and I went to the bathroom and when I looked in the mirror, I saw that my eyes were all red and puffy. I guess I started crying last night while I was writing but I forgot. I tried to cover it up with makeup I had for special occasions only, I HATED makeup.

I walked out into the livingroom and no body was mad. Actually everyone was happy I finally got up.  It was about 12 so when I walked down Darry, Steve and Soda were gone for work. There was obviously no food left that Darry made this morning so I decided to skip breakfast since I wasn't really that hungry anyway.

What really woke me up was the lit up face that Johnny had when he saw me come down the stairs. He lookes so cute with his hair to the side. I also realized that it was Sunday and I dreaded the idea that we had school tomorrow, until I looked on the calendar and saw that we had a long spring break since it didn't snow at all.

So I finally realaxed and jumped onto Dally because he was sleeping on the couch. He woke up with a smile on his face and said "mornin doll," like usual, but then he rolled over on top of me pushed me off the couch and pinned me on the ground. Then he said "I'll get ya for doin that doll" he said with a laugh. So I pushed him off me and ran out the door barefoot. I ran as fast as I could, but he caught up quick. I ran to the park and climbed up a tree and he didn't see me. When he got to the park he was right under the tree when I screamed "Hey Dal if ya wanna catch me your gonna have to climb." He looked up at me and smirked, then started climbing. I let him get all the way up when I jumped down and started to sprint again.

I knew a few things about running because Pony does track, but not a lot. The one thing that I had and Dally didn't was, strategy. I let him catch up a bit, then when he went to grab me I ducked and ran for the fountain and started running in circles . I figured I could tire him out so he couldn't catch me. Yea well, that plan failed. I didn't realize that Dally was used to running, because he was always running from the cops. Soon enough he caught up and grabbed me by the waist and threw me in the fountain. I was soaked.

"That's what you get for jumpin on me" he said laughing. He helped me out and gave me a piggy back ride home because my feet were killing me from sprinting barefoot. In return of him throwing me in the fountain, he got soaking wet from carrying me. We came into the door laughing and Johnny looked jealous, so I motioned my hand for him to follow me upstairs. He shot up off the couch immediately and obeyed like a dog. He came into my room and I told him to help me pick out another outfit. Bad choice? I think not.

Johnny's POV:

Dally was really getting on my nerves because he was being so flirty with Kim. When she came in on his back I thought that I was gonna start crying. I guess Kim saw and she wanted me to go upstairs with her so gladly I followed her. She wanted me to help her pick out a "new outfit" since Dal threw her in the fountain. I thought my face was gonna turn bright red but thankfully it didn't.

She asked me "Do you think I should go with a casual look, or a full out greaser look?" "Um...." I hesitated. I didn't really know anything about clothes, but I did know that whatever Kim was wearing, she looked beautiful in it. "I think since you're going into spring break, you should go out with the full out Greaser girl look. You know without all the pounds of stupid Makeup they put on." I laughed with her at the fact of all the makeup other girls put on. I was pretty happy with my suggestion. I honestly don't know anything about fashion.

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