Chapter 8

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Johnny's POV:

When the gang left me and Kim alone again, she went to go change and she came back and she looked like she could fall asleep as soon as she hit her bed. She laid down on her bed and I kissed her on her head and went to go out the door when she said quietly, "your not gonna protect me?" with a faint laugh. "Please don't go yet," she said giving me the best puppy dog eyes she could. I laughed and laid down next to her and she put her head on my chest. She put her hand next to her head and I put my hand on top of hers. Moving my thumb back and fourth rubbing her hand as she fell asleep, and I slowly drifted off to sleep a little after she did.

I woke up before Kim so I didn't move and let her sleep. I love her so much, but I can't just make up one reason for it. There are like a million reasons in the world that I can tell anyone why I love her so much. I don't know if that makes any sence to anyone else, but it makes sence to me. I tried to get up and go downstairs but as soon as I moved Kim tried stretching her knee but I stopped her and put my hand gently on her knee and she put her hand on mine saying "Thanks Johnnycakes." "No problem baby girl, I'm here to protect you, remember?"  "I love you Johnny," she said looking back up at me then buried her head back in my chest. "I love you too Kim," I said as I kissed her forehead.

After that she got up and went to Soda's and Pony's room and stole Pony's shirt, pants and Soda's sweatshirt. Even in her brothers clothes, she looked like a goddess. What's that goddesses name that Kim reads about all the time? Oh, right. Aphrodite, goddess of beauty and Love. Ha, funny coincidence. Me and her went downstairs and found Soda and Steve on the couch and Pony was on the floor reading "Alice's adventures in wonder land."  Darry left for work early, and Dally and Two-Bit were sitting on the ground with Pony watching Mickey.

Kim's POV:

Johnny and I went downstairs and the first one to say anything, Dally. Like usual, saying "Mornin doll." "Mornin Dal, steal anything this morning?" "Other than Buck's car......nope." He said with a laugh. "Did you and Johnny do anything last night?" He asked with a cocked eyebrow. "DALLAS TUCKER WINSTON!" I screamed, "I WOULD NEVER DO THAT, you on the other hand," I laughed and fell to the ground.  Johnny helped me up then Soda looked at me and said, "If you ever pull a Dally, I'll bash both your heads in. Ya hear me." "Yea Soda," I said crossing my arms. Pony said that he was goin to go meet Caelyn today, because he never did the other day. The day when he went through MY journal. I thought about Sam and me and the talk we had in the lot and I remember, "he was just tryin to help you." Steve and Soda got up from the couch getting ready to leave for work, when Soda said "Sam's meeting me at the DX today, would you mind if she came over later?" He asked me. "No way, she's like the sister I never had. She can live here if she wants." I said laughing again.

They left and Johnny and I sat down on the couch and I curled up next to him and started reading my book to him, "A Wrinkle In Time." One of my favorites. "Life, with it's rules, it's obligations, and it's freedoms, is like a sonnet. You're given the form, but you have to write the sonnet yourself, said Mrs. Whatsit." I read. "I have to read you all of my favorite quotes Johnny," I said. "I want to hear them because I really like this book. Almost as much as Gone With The Wind." Johnny said.

"Like and equal are not the same thing at all. That's a quote by Meg Murphy. If you aren't unhappy sometimes you don't know how to be happy. The only way to cope with something deadly seriously is to try to treat it a little lightly. Those are quotes by Charles Wallace and Mrs. Whatsit. He's one of my favorite characters, because all the people that don't really know him think he doesn't talk or do anything. But when he's with his family or the three witches on other planets, he's like a totally different person from what everyone thinks. So that's why they also say People are more than just the way they look. Which implies to Charles Wallace and how when he's with his family and the witches he is this intelligent little boy who understands everything, even other languages from different planets. Even planets in danger. And what's amazing about the last quote is that it also implies to us today, including me and you Johnny Cakes." Johnny was looking at me with astonishment.

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