Chapter 5

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Kim's Pov:

I couldn't help but smile on the walk home. Johnny held my hand until we were 3 feet away from my house and we went in. As soon as we got in the door Darry yelled at me for going out that late at night alone, but I stopped him dead in his tracks and said, "I was ok, I had my blade and I wasn't alone. Johnny came and we hung out at the lot." Darry's eyebrow raised. I totally forgot about wearing Johnny's jacket when Soda came up behind me and put me in a head lock and said "Hey Kim, why you wearin Johnny's jacket?" "Oh, um... It was REALLY cold and I forgot a jacket." I said. He raised his eyebrow and had the same face as Darry. Dangit, I think they found out.

So I just gave in and I started heading up the stairs and ran back down and said "Johnny I'm going to bed." And he pulled me close and kissed me. Everyone's jaws dropped. I laughed and ran up the stairs saying "I'll be back down in a few." On my way up, Johnny turned around slowly and gave a small smile and everyone went up to him and told him to explain everything that happened. I got upstairs and saw something I was expecting to see. I saw Pony and Caelyn kissing. I love her and all but, Pony was my kid brother even though he was only a year younger then me. But it was my job to embarrass him. So I barged into his room pretending to ask him for a sweatshirt and scared them and made gaging noises. He threw a pillow at my head and missed so I threw it back and tackled him. Today couldn't get any better.

My and Johnny were together, my brothers are starting to trust me more, me and Pony are getting closer AND my kid brother and my best friend were together. Nothing could ruin the rest of the night, until IT happened.

Caelyn's POV:

Pony wanted to show me all of his books so I followed him up to his room and I gotta admit, its different being in a guys room that's not your brothers smelly room. He was telling me about all of his books but honestly I didn't care. I just kept staring into his unique eyes. They were a million different colors, which intrigued me. He gestured me to sit next to him on his bed and he opened his favorite book "Gone With The Wind" and opened up to his "favorite" part. Which I doubt it was because it was a romance part. He was reading about when Scarlett went to Alaska and was finally reunited with Rehtt who in the first place told her to grieve over her dead husband and live life to the fullest.

The way he read it was so calming and I guess I was falling asleep because he pulled my head on his shoulder, wrapped his arm around me and kept reading. Then when he finished he closed the book, set it down and shifted so he was facing me and put his hand on my chin and kissed me. It was great until Kim came in looking for one of Pony's sweatshirts and started making gaging moments. I loved her, but she really knew how to ruin a moment even when she didn't realize she was.

Kim's POV:

Me and Caelyn went back downstairs and IT walked through the door. The only thing that could ruin the best day ever. Dallas Winston. I walked over to Johnny and he put his arm around me as we sat on one of the couches. Pony sat with Caelyn on the other couch and when Dally came threw the door everybody stared. He came over to me and I buried my head in Johnny's chest. "Hey uh Kim, can, can I talk to you outside for a minute?" I looked at Johnny. He gave me the "yell and I'll come out there" look. I nodded at Dally and went outside.

"Hey, I'm real sorry about before. I was real drunk and trust me I really regret it." He pulled out his left hand from his jacket pocket and it was all red and swollen. "Oh my gosh Dal, what did you do !?" "I told you I regretted it a lot so I slammed my hand in Buck's car door. I never want to make you scared of me. You're like my kid sister that I never had. You know that right. It was all the beers that Two-Bit brought. I'm so sorry." "It's ok Dal, now lets go get that hand fixed." I said. He hugged me and that's how I liked it, having another older brother to always have my back.

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