Chapter 6

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Johnny's Pov:

Kim laying on my chest made me feel like it was only me and her in the world. Her falling asleep on my chest, a WHOLE other level of amazing. When Soda came down because he had to go to work and Steve had to too, their faces were pricless. They wanted to embarrass her so badly btu they knew she was really tired so they let her sleep. Then Darry came down and he cocked his eyebrow and looked at me, I nodded my head and mouthed "It's ok." and he seemed ok with it. Dally and Two-Bit came in and they both smirked and Dal lit a cigarette, all the gang was quiet which I was suprised, you could tell they loved her. When Pony came down with Caelyn she looked like she was about to scream, but Pony told her not to. I could tell Pony wanted to ruin Kim's happiness but I screamed at him whispering "DON'T YOU DARE PONYBOY." Caelyn's brother came to pick her up and before Pony opened the door to let her go he kissed her. I started making gaging noises quietly so Kim wouldn't wake up.

She started shaking and screaming all of our names and saying help me so I figured she was having a nightmare, so I lightly shook her awake and she screamed. Her heartbeat was going so fast I was even scared for her. I just wanted to calm her down so I stroked her hair and told her it was gonna be ok. She got up and went upstairs and when she came back down, she looked so cute with my jacket on. She threatened Darry about if he lifted more than one load at a time that she would skin him and I laughed. She got some chocolate cake from the fridge and gave me the majority of what she took out. One thing I noticed, she was never really hungry in the mornings.

Kim's POV:

I took out some chocolate cake for breakfast and gave most of it to Johnny because breakfast and mornings are not my friends. Mom and Dad used to say I looked like a zombie when I woke up, because I wasn't a morning person. Pony asked if we wanted to go see a movie later and we said sure. During the day me, Pony, Johnny, Two-Bit and Dally went to the park and were working on acrobatics. We started making up routines and it was fun doing the little things with them. We created a stupid performance and at the end Two-Bit fell on his face. It was great until a blue mustang pulled up. I made sure my knife was in my pocket, it was so that made me feel a little better. Johnny put his arm around me and Pony stood next to Two-Bit and Dally walked in front of us all. "What are the Socs doin in our territory?" I asked Dal, "I don't know doll," he said.

When the car stopped out came Bob and his gang, I tightened and I guess Johnny noticed because he pulled me closer. "Hey greasers, heard your little greaser girl got a boyfriend." Bob said. I gulped. "So uh who is he?" Bob asked, I couldn't tell if he was drunk or was just being a plain out jerk as usual. "I am," Dally stepped forward and wrapped his arm around me after Johnny let me go without the Socs seeing. I thought Johnny was gonna explode but I think Dally knows what he's doin. "Well then, I don't think your girl over here would mind if you got a different look would she?" Bob said with a smirk. He punched Dally and took him away from me, Randy had my hands behind my back.

Bob started kicking Dally in the ribs and sides and I wanted to kill him. The other Socs went after Johnny, Two-Bit and Pony. I screamed "LEAVE DALLY ALONE!" At Bob and Bob told Randy to shut me up so he shoved a handkerchief in my mouth. I couldn't take it anymore so I rolled over on the ground and pinned Randy on the ground and punched in the face and kicked him in the throat. I had to help Dally so I jumped on Bob and started giving him hits to the face and twisted his arm back and did the same move I did to Pony until I heard a crack. Yes, I broke his arm. I helped Dally up and ran to help the others. But before Dally followed he jumped onto Bob's ankle and I heard another crack. Another broken bone.

Johnny punched one of the Socs but he got him back and got punched in the eye, but then he swept his feet and the Soc fell strait down on his face. Dally stepped and walked on him like a carpet. Pony was tackling and punching a Soc while Two-Bit pulled out his blade and cut the Soc that was trying to beat him up a little. Finally they scrambled to get up, all the Socs had to help Bob with his broken bones and speeded away. "Dal are you ok?" I asked worried. I put my hand up against him and felt two broken ribs. "Come on Dal we have to fix you up back at my house," I said. Before we headed back, Johnny ran to me and said "Kim, are, are, are" he studerred, "are you ok? Did they hurt ya?" "No Johnny cakes I'm fine, just a few scratches and some Indian burns." I said. "And what about you? Look what they did to your eye. Come on you two I'll fix y'all up." I said.

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