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Wet, wild, fun
So refreshing in the sun

The crisp cool breeze
Makes everything cold with ease

The droplets sparkle like flame
But without any of the pain

Each drop a jewel of wonder
But yet, unable to plunder

And yet, water isn't always fun
Sometimes it can be better to run

From the waves so huge and dark
And no way to build an ark

Under the sea the blackness holds sway
The waves strong enough to wash you away

But, the darkness isn't all that bad
There's still fun to be had

Droplets of water or the vast ocean blue
Water is a friend to you



Hey guys, Cassia here. I was at a community car wash and everyone kept getting splashed with water, we had a fun time. Anyways, I took the word water and turned it into a poem.

Until next time,

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