Crystal Crown

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A crystal heart, a golden crown
A silver shoe, a violet gown

The grey eyes flashing in the candlelight
The stars above glimmering in the night

He stared at her from across the room
The shimmer of her dress as lovely as a flower bloom

She felt his eyes upon her dress
And wondered if she knew him, or if it was just a guess

He looked so familiar, so much like him
Yet in was hard to tell in the dark and the dim

She crossed the floor swiftly to see once and for all
But alas, she tripped on her dress and began to fall

But suddenly he was there

Lifting her up and leading her to a chair

He smiled at her, and her at him

Her heart aflutter, her feeling not just a whim

He leaned in close to give her a kiss

And as it happened, all was total bliss

And so as the clock ticked and ticked

They both knew that they just clicked


Sup, nerds.
I've had this poem in my drafts for quite a few months now, unsure of how to finish it.

But, something someone said something to me that gave me to inspiration to finish this, so,  yeah.

Anyways, hope you liked it, please vote, comment, and enjoy.

Peace ✌️


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