Moving in and Inside Battles *WARNING LANGUEGE AND FLUFF*

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Olivia's POV btw bold letters are thoughts

Omg I'm so tired I should've slept more but I couldent get her off my--
"Olivia... OLIVIA!!!" Courtney's voice interupted my thoughts
" uh... Oh yah, filming at 5:00" I say rubbing my face to snap me out of my day dream.
"C'mon lets go; it's a long drive"
  On the ride there, in the uber with Courtney, I couldn't stop thinking about my year old ex that I hate I couldn't tell why because I'm so over him because he used me.
   I fell a tap on my shoulder telling me to turn my head from its rest position on my arm in the window.
Courtney has a serious look on her face and doesn't look at me she raises her finger to point out the window.
The light is green
The uber driver isn't driving
Courtney nods and moves her hand to the door and lip syncs
I pull on the handle and push and I run along with Courtney
We escaped right as the man put a mask over his face and pulled a spray bottle out of his bag. We stopped next to a alley and Courtney pulls out her phone and types in 911 she's states our
Location of incedent:
License plate of vehicle:
Clothing and look (description) of culprit:
Our age:
  She's hangs up and hold me close
"Are you ok"
"Thank you"
"It's my Job as your BFF to protect you"
I wish we were more than friends
" I'm glad we've planned that whole one two three thing for safety"
" yah, and you said we were wasting our time"
" I was wrong"
"Yep" and we giggled till the cops came.
I'm really happy to have her if I didn't I'd be dead
" we caught him, you girls are lucky to be alive that's jones bridges he's wanted in 33 states and is said to be the worst criminal alive"
"Thank you sir" Courtney replies respectively
"Couldn't have done it without you two, and acualy there was a warrant on him for $50,000"
"... Do-Do we get that money" me and Courtney say in unison.
"Yes ma'ams you do, would you like us to split it into your bank accounts "
"Yes please" I state.
" ok ladies have a nice day"
"Wait, sir" Courtney almost forgets the sir. "What Was he gonna spray at us"
"Well, I'm sorry to inform you that that was coriniforite"
"What does that do" I ask shifting questionably.
" it an EXTREMLY illegal chemical, he said his intentions were to... Take you and 'use you' so I'm glad you girls had a plan"
"Yes, thank you sir" me and Courtney walk away to sit on the curb so the doctor can search us for any sighns of the poison. I rest my head on Courtney's shoulder and she says...
"Well that's fucking terrifying"
"Wanna call the boss to tell them we can't come into work today"
*ring* *ring* *ring*
"Hey.......yah about that we can't come in today !!!!!!!! I know I know but me and Libb Libb were almost kidnaped and raped .......... Yah well try to come in tomorrow ......... Thanks for understanding ......... NO! Don't tell the fam yet.......we'll tell them tomorrow ............ Ok see you soon ...... Thanks agin bye"
"Can I stay at your place"
"Of course"
Four weeks later
Libb Libb is still staying at Courtney's
"LIBB LIBB" I hear Courtney's voice Comming from the kitchen " Meet me on the couch"
"Ok, Be Right There" I loudly speak back from the bathroom were I was doing my makeup. When we are both seated on the couch and have each had a cracker and cheese. Courtney speaks up.
She looks nervous Oh No...
"Um... I have a question"
Omg really plz plz plz lord ask me out . . . Wait what she's my BFF of course she's not gonna ask me out
"Ok I'm ready" I raise my eye brows and lean in
Plz don't be pregnant plz don't be pregnant
"Will you.."
Omg what if she does ask me out
"Move in with me"
"UH DUUUUH Is that even a question" I throw my arms around her neck and hold her close
Dammit why didn't I just ask her instead I fucked it up and asked her to move in I'm such an idiot
The next week
She's all moved in but she's been sleeping on the couch Mabey I should tell her to sleep in my room yah yah I'll do that.
"Hey, Libb Libb "
"Do you wanna sleep in my room tonight"
Next morning
    I feel a warmth on my back I turn over to see Olivia wrapped around me
Is she awake
"Libb Libb" I whisper
She jumps up and apologizes
"Why are you laughing"
"It's just your so cute. Why are apologizing, I don't mind"
"Well it's just y-you-your-seeing that guy-and your not-and I wasn't sure"
"Awwwww that's so cute come here" I pull her closer. And she blushes.
"Dinner at 9" i ask she nods
"Date?" I ask she smiles and blushes
"What about douch bag dan" she says jokingly
"WHAT ABOUT dough bag dan" I repeated
"Haha true"


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