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My favorite picture of me! (Rose Ruth)

Roses POV

    First day of school! its 5th hour right after lunch, 

"hey F*g!" i kid threw trash at me. i kept my head low, my inner lasercorn wanted to come out, but i knew if i did my moms wouldn't be happy.

  i opend the door to room B68. i thought of BB8 witch made me smile!

"time for roll call!" the older woman said.

"Bryce Smith" 

"here!" its the boy who threw trash at me...

"Rose Ruth Mi-Mi"

"MillSui" i raise my hand. she scoffs. Does everyone know?

     that whole day i was called names teased, hit, ETC. i ignored it all. until i saw Bryce leave with two people, presumably his parents.

one tall brunette woman, and a talllll man, the smiths. when they saw me they scoffed. snickered. spit.

     my anxiety went haywire! must escape must escape must escape!!! my brain was a jungle of thoughts and terror. 

"bathroom!" i wisper. wen i got in the bathroom. i found scissors.

    i left the bathroom and put on my jacket.

"Rose Ruth Miller to the  Office please!" i hear over the intercom

"its MillSui!" i wisper. i walk into the office and see Noah there. 

"Hey noah! whats wrong? where Courtney and Olivia?" i ask him.

"we need to talk outside" he walks me out of the office. "Rose, your moms arent allowed to come into the school" he says grabing my hands. "so i have to pick you up." 

he was here early.

"why?" i ask

"dont worry i think its f*cked up too" he says

"well them how are you here?" i ask

"Cause they dont know!" he pulls me in for a hug. "I will protect you girls with all my might"

"thank you." i say i try to hide my tears. 

    he pulls away from the hug and before i can react he pulls up my sleeve...

"Rose." is all he can say

"I'm sorry noah" i say a tear rolling down my face.

"its okay, Olivia went through the same thing. lets just get you home."

"she did?" i asked but he said nothing. on the ride home we were silent.

Courtneys POV

"She cant go to that school anymore Olivia!!"

"Honey where else is she gonna go?" 

"We can homeschool her for f*cks sake! but i dont want our daughter to be getting beat up. and i want to pick her up myself!"

"well how are we gonna homeschool her honey! we have work!!"

"well buy her a laptop and shell work online whilst we film!"

"Okay. but lets give her one more week at school" 


*Ding Dong*

"shes home!!!" i shreaked, my babys first day of school over! omg....

"MOM!!!" she screamed as she pulled me in for a hug.

"AND MOM!!" she ran to Olivia and hugged her. they started talking about Olivias out fit.

"Thanks noah." i said to him. 

"no worrys, and anyways im the only one who can drive besides shayne!"

"AND ME! youdumb*ss" i nudge his arm jokeing.

"i think you have something to talk about, as a family" he says all joke aside

"Okay, Bye!" i waved as he left.

      i sat next to my two little girls and asked whats up.

"umm moms. something bad happend at school."

"what wrong honey?" olivia asked concerned.

"You can tell us anything." i say sincere.

"umm you know the smiths, the ones who tried to abduct me."

"yah" me and Libb Libb say in unison.

"well they have a son bryce. and he hurt me today, he pined me down and did this..." shes showed me her arm. it was coverd in bite marks (bryce) and cut marks (A/N Not bryce).

its worse than we thought.

olivia lifts up her slevve. i slap her to try o stop her but she doesnt...

"*gasps* MOM!" Rose wrapps her arms around her. 

we all started crying

"your not going back there!" i say as we go into a group hug.

"I Love You Guys!" Rose says

"We love you too" me and olivia say in unison.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter. so really quick just wanted to say, i survived my demons and you can too if you need to talk to someone you can DM me or call your local suicide prevetion hot line....

it does get better, that's the whole point of this book, Rose, Me, You, Smosh and everything in between. YOU ARE LOVED!!!

plz dont get too attached to rose...

LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!

Courtivia ••• It Only Gets BetterWhere stories live. Discover now