The Bully |Part 1|

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I walked around school on wobbly legs. My dad had been using me like this for quite some time now and it was making a massive impact on my body. I used to have friends, a boyfriend, happiness but ever since this started happening I have nothing, I shut everyone out as I was scared of someone finding out.

Jungkook walked down the corridor with bangtan, his group. He saw her and grinned devilishly. He took her homework out of her bag while she was facing the other way and continued to walk off.

I got onto my knees and sorted through my backpack for my homework for math class. I couldn't find it anywhere. I shuffled through my bag quickly, my arms aching from what he did so me but I didn't care as I was going to use this homework grade to bring up my average but it was gone.

Jungkook wrote his name on the papers and handed it in as his own. He smirked and chuckled to himself as he was lucky to find her homework, he hadn't done it for himself

I wobbled into class and sat down. I felt someone pull my hands and I gasped, having flashbacks of the night before with my dad and hurried tried to get away but they wouldn't seem to let go.

"Heyyy" Jungkook said and messed around with her hands. "Can you give me the answers? You're the smartest in the class" he said and moved her hands away from the paper

"S-Stop it," I said hurriedly and moved his hand away from my hair but couldn't get my hands away from him,"Let go you jerk," I spat and got them out of his grip, covering the paper again.

"Ahh so grouchy" he pouted but shrugged, moving away from her. "Tiffany can you give me your sheet" he asked one of the popular girls and straight away she handed it to him

"Hoes," I sighed and rolled my eyes. I looked down at my sheet and continued doing the work, I heard mumbling and giggling and I assumed it was about the hickies on my neck as they were dark purple, on the edge of turning yellow.

Jungkook listened to what the girls were talking about and looked at her neck, noticing the hickies. "That's weird" he mumbled as he didn't remember her having a boyfriend

I wiped the tears from my eyes and heard the girls laugh at me. I shut my eyes and held onto the sides of the desk hard, trying to wish everything away but it was no use as I just started to cry more.

Jungkook frowned and watched them. "Oh, and I heard what you said earlier. If I'm such a hoe then why are you the one with the hickies?" She sasses and the whole class heard

"S-Shut up," I whimpered and wiped my face, looking at her. She slapped me across the face hard and I fell out of my chair, looking up at her with a scared expression as I looked at her.

"HEY!" He shouted at the girl who slapped her. "That's my job not yours ok. Don't let me see you do that again" he snapped

I hurriedly got my things and ran out of the classroom. I went outside onto the bleachers at the football field and cried into my hands, before to much longer I got it in the face with a football, making me cry harder.

Jungkook tutted and sat back at his desk with the other boys. He hated some of the popular girls even though they all loved him

I heard someone shouting my name and looked out onto the field. It was my best friend who had been with my since middle school and he didn't even know about anything that was going on with my dad or the bullies.

"Ya Y/N!" Yugyeom called to her and ran. "You ok?" He asked as he panted from running to her

"No," I cried and hurried to him, crying into his chest as I told him everything about my dad and the bullies, " me," I said quietly, hoping he could help me but I knew he couldn't.

"Let me hang around with you like we used to then" he asked and hoped she would let him. "It will probably help"

"no no no I don't want them to bully you too okay? just have fun," I said hurriedly as I saw his girlfriend walking towards us. I got my bag and ran off, back inside the school but hid in the bathroom.

He sighed as he wanted to hang around with her. He pouted but would speak to her later.

The BullyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora